Sunday, May 23, 2010

Vampire On the Loose

Now that the Birthday fun is over and Grandma & Grandpa Mather have gone home, it's been back to the usual for the three of us this week. Of course as soon as I write that I think of a number of ways it hasn't been usual. "Usual" seems to change from week to week.

So do you want the good news or the bad news first?

We'll start with the good. Lily had her one year appointment and everything is a-ok. She's over the 90th percentile for height and around 40th for height. So she's tall and skinny so far... what a surprise. On Tuesday night as we were getting ready for bed, Lily showed me something I hadn't seen yet. While she had taken steps before, usually to reach for something we were holding and pulling slowly away, this time she really walked. She just stood up and took a few steps over toward a particular toy. She didn't make it the whole way, but it stood out to me as a big step, literally and figuratively. It's been happening more and more over the past few days, and I still stop and watch every time she does it. Clearly it's going to be a long transition from crawler to walker, but it's pretty cool that it's begun in earnest.

On the bad side, we have a vampire on our hands. Lily bites. When she's frustrated it's her go-to move. If she's being picked up when she doesn't want to be up, if she doesn't want to let go of something, or if she's just plain mad, the mouth opens up and then the trap is sprung. This girl has a lot of teeth and a strong jaw, and she knows how to use them. We asked the doctor what to do about this and the answer was to stop, put her down, and walk away. In theory, she wants us and our approval, so she would figure out that when she bites, she gets neither. In practice so far, she seems perfectly happy to have us leave the room so she can do what she wants to do. And what does she want to do? If she's in her room, she wants to pull the outlet covers out of the outlets. This girl must be a plug-in hybrid or something, she is addicted to outlets. We asked the doctor for advice on this one too and she recommended saying no and redirecting her to something else, saying "she should get it after a few times". Unless a few is fifty, it's not working yet. Whatever we redirect her to distracts her for a bit, but then she remembers the fun she was having at the outlet and makes a run for it again. Oh well, it may be time to replace the outlets with the self-covering type.

That's about all the news from Lily. But I'll take a moment to toot Nicole's horn before I sign off. Over the past few months, Nicole's been playing more tennis. More than she's played since college. She's been playing in two leagues and has found a few good hitting partners. And in these leagues she's been kicking some butt. She's beating some quality players here, like club pros, and winning in ways she didn't in the past like coming back from 5-2 in the first set today to take it in a tie breaker. And a couple of weeks ago she beat a woman who was ranked #85 in Division I NCAA singles a few years ago. I think it's pretty cool and if she won't brag about it then I'm happy to oblige.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lily is 1!

We are in awe of today, Lily's very first birthday. We are both emotional thinking about how far we've come, how much you've grown, and how quickly today arrived.

Today was one of those days we'll reminisce about when we're silver haired and rocking on our porch swing in the mood to smile.

Here's a video of a few highlights from Lily's 1st year.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Catching Up

It's been a while since we've blogged, sorry about that. It's not like we've been busier than usual or anything, I guess we just haven't felt the inspiration.

A few goings on here, most interestingly Lily is taking a few steps here and there. It's been going on for almost two weeks, but it's hard to really call it walking yet. More often it's us tricking her into taking a step or two by holding a toy or book or food just out of reach. But today she did take three steps from the couch to her walker, so maybe the progress will start to pick up and she'll be toddling before her birthday. Speaking of which...

The big day is next Saturday. It really is hard to believe that it's been a year, it has completely flown by. I definitely remember her "birth day" as if it were yesterday, and it seems like all her "firsts" just happened. I do suppose that there has been a lot packed into that year, with her beginning as an eating, pooping, sleeping (but cute) blob, kicking in her rocker, rolling over, rocking on hands and knees for what seemed like an eternity, then crawling, then turbo crawling, and now on the edge of going for a walk.

One other subject before I give you the Lily media update. I went on my first multi-night business trip this past week, down to Austin. It was definitely strange to be away for two and a half days, away from both Lily and Nicole. We did Skype a few times, but the real thing is definitely superior. Seeing Lily take a few steps made me want to reach through the computer and hug her. And I know it wasn't easy for Nicole to be solo for those days, with diaper changes being action packed and not having the few minutes break that can be such a help by the end of a long day. I'm sure I'll be traveling more in the near future, but it makes me glad that my job doesn't require me to be a road warrior.

Anyway, without further ado, here's the latest from Lily: