Monday, September 24, 2012

September Happenings

Even though colds and ear infections are trying hard to bring us down, we've been pushing through and still finding our fun.  Aunt Lolo (Sonya) visiting and celebrating the start of Oktoberfest have been highlights.  

Here are some photos from the last couple of weeks.

Oktoberfest costume parade. 

 Lily's first Bday party for a Kindergarten friend.  One friendly looking Lion.

Sonya and Nicky at Oktoberfest 2012

A group shot at Oktoberfest.

Barbie time with Lolo

Got a great new push walker that Paul LOVES.  He reminds me so much of Lily in that it's a love/hate relationship...giddy when he's moving forward, crying the moment it stops.

More playtime with Lolo (aka Sonya)

What parent doesn't have this shot catching their baby ripping TP?  

Our snotty stinker

Definitely starting to interact more.  The "It's mine" game has begun.  In this game, the phone is up for grabs.  Elise won round 1.

 Elise isn't letting round 2 go to Paul easily.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Summer Trip Aug/Sep 2012

Back in Munich after being gone a couple of weeks.  The trip included a stop in Zurich to see a specialist about Elise, a wedding in France, and some good R&R at Oma and Opa's house in Heidelberg.  Our day to day routine begins again tomorrow with Lily starting back at Kindergarten and Nate's work travel schedule picking up again.

Here are just a few pics from our trip plus one video of Lily and Opa on the tennis court!

Sommer Urlaub Aug Sep 2012