Saturday, September 21, 2013

We miss you Lolo

One of the things I said in my speech to my sister at her wedding in June was how good she is at always putting family first.  She lived those words last weekend yet again by surprising us at our door for a 4 day visit.  Instead of flying home from her 2 week London/Paris honeymoon with her husband, she sent Ken home and flew to us to finish her trip in a very "not honeymoon" style by spending time with us.  Lolo - we miss you and loved every moment we had with you.  Thank you thank you thank you.  

Paul and Elise LOVE their Aunt Lolo.

We love to just walk randomly rain or shine so plopped Lily in a stroller for a change and got some good bonding time in.
 Checked out downtown street fest and we all tried the unicycle.  Notice Nate had the emergency rescue crew directly behind him. :)
 Anything motorized on 2 wheels is a big deal in our house - MOMO's.
 After Kindergarten stop at the nearest bakery.  Lily knows how to pick out the biggest pastry and yes, she can eat the whole thing by herself.
 Lolo making a Kindergarten drop off run with us.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Getaway with Oma and Opa to the Alps at Millinghof Farm

Because of a destination tip from a friend of a friend - a friend made briefly at the hospital during Elise's stay - combined with always enjoying my time in different places within Austria over the years, I booked a getaway for us at a farm hotel in the Austrian Alps.  I wanted us to get away to enjoy the final days of summer as well as Lily's last vacation days from Kindergarten.  Oma and Opa deciding to join was icing on the cake and simply awesome.  The tip proved to be true, the farm hotel rocked and wow, crazy affordable.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.  Meals may not have been relaxing, adult conversation may have been rare, and we adults may not have been able to do much of what we would really want to do but like Nate says, be bummed and then just get up and enjoy what we can do and we sure did.  Thanks Oma and Opa for joining us.  We loved sharing this adventure with you.

Leogang, Austria September 2013 with Oma and Opa