Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November Fun

The other morning during breakfast, Lily coughed up some phlegm and Nate asked her if she was going to spit it out.  Lily responded with "no, I use it to clean my teeth."   Paul's talking seems to have rocketed overnight.  Now I hear him saying "Elise, where are you?" and responding to Lily or Elise when they call for him with "what is it?"  I had to catch myself the other day when I realized how silly I sound when I try to figure out a way to get Elise up on the changing table these days.  Saying "Elise, would you like to wear the potty on your head while I change your diaper" sounds so bizarre but it works from time to time.    Elise also requests to wear a backpack for naps now and Paul likes to hold a motorcyle when he sleeps.

It's been a productive November so far.  We're spending our time enjoying as much of Munich as we can as well as working on all the work that goes into moving.  Big highlight was our overnight getaway for my birthday near Garmisch. It was perfect, even better than I could dream it.

Took Lily to the Munich Opera House to check out Romeo and Juliet Ballet.  Didn't think she'd last 30 minutes with high up standing seats only with 1/4 view of stage. She lasted the whole 2.5 hours.  I have a serious ballet fan here.

 St. Martin Lantern Parade with Lily's Kindergarten.
Turnen (gymnastics) class with Paul and Elise.
 Ice skating rink across the street from us is open for the season.
 Lily had her friend Johanna over for a sleepover.  Of course had to build a fort for them to sleep in.

 Feet up at our getaway hotel
 Morning hike near Garmisch

Time, as usual, is moving too fast.  Glad we're livin' it up.  I'll end this post with the perfect picture to display the kinds of moments we have in our house.....silly, sweet, messy, loud, frustrating, and hilarious.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Some October moments

"It's just a picture in a book, please don't fight about who's horse that is"......"we don't take our clothes off while we are eating dinner"...."stop playing the recorder.  you just saw me put the twins down for a nap"...."there is no wolf under your bed Lily, promise".... - random things I say more than once on a typical day in our house.  

We have a lot on our minds which makes sense knowing we only have two months left in Munich before our next chapter begins in Portland.  We are struggling to find a home in Portland which sure is a lot more time consuming and draining than I expected it would be.  It's a bitter sweet exit from Munich  - feels like I'm leaving before my time here was supposed to be done but happy that if we need to leave, our friends in Portland await us.  

Here is the rest of our October in pictures.

Took Paul and Elise to Koenigsplatz at about the same age I took Lily there on an unusually warm Fall Munich day.  Deja-vu.

Love this series of shots being silly with Elise.  She really nailed copying my expressions.

 This is the closest we got to a pumpkin patch.  Nice old lady on a small farm with her front yard full of pumpkins and squash.

 Elise thinks the tractor is a race car. She's ready to pass.
 Halloween.  Elise is a bit overwhelmed but looking so cute in her flying unicorn costume.
 Threw a Halloween Eve party with Lily's friends.  Was fun introducing some of the traditions of the Holiday to them.
 Out for a family walk on our usual Englischer Garten route.
 Lily playing some tennis.  Looks like she has a killer backhand slice.  Let's just leave it at that. :)