Tuesday, October 4, 2016

September Ramblings about Me

So much of September was spent commuting on our bikes, thank you weather.  I'm proud of my kids being such confident bike riders, sometimes too confident riding ahead or practicing wheelies as we navigate past 11 busy city blocks.  It's not a relaxing ride for me to and from school (2x each way because of the late morning preschool pick up) and some days I take a break and walk while the kids ride the sidewalks to give my heart and nerves a break.  I wish I saw more families riding; it would be nice to have more company.  More often than not, drivers are kind but I see cars blow through stop signs and texting not paying attention that bring me right back to scary thoughts in my head. I do think bike commuting sets a good example for my kids and I really dislike driving so we'll keep doing it.

Speaking of driving, it's ironic that my happy place is our sports club given that it's really the only place that requires me to drive to the many times a week I go.  I love how it makes me feel every single time I'm there. Being strong and feeling strong is a big part of who I am.  It's the people, the kicks my ass every time strength training classes I take with such dedicated women, getting to hit the Tennis ball with awesome players and the camaraderie that goes with it, swimming my laps in an often times almost empty pool.... it's my vice, my escape, my addiction, whatever you want to call it.  I'm like a walking billboard for joining an athletic club, wow. I am a sucker for habit so whenever we do finally get off the waiting list for the new sports club in walking distance, I hope the transition is as easy as it was for my kids going from summer to school again.  I'm actually really nervous about leaving a place and the people I enjoy so much.  Maybe we should just move to the suburbs and be walking distance to our current club.  Yes, I have actually had that thought.

I'm going to finish this blog with a little more of a snapshot of me.  Ok kids, if you ever ask what I was like at 37 with a 2nd grader and 2 preschoolers, here is some rambling insight

I like listening to pop and mainstream alternative music on the radio.  Sia, Lumineers, and Mumford and Sons are often part of a playlist these days.

I wish I had more time for podcasts and urban hikes.  WTF with Marc Maron, The Moth, Here's the Thing with Alec Baldwin, and This American Life come to mind.

I love watching dancing (SYTYCD fan), sketch comedy, and stand up.  Louis CK, Stephen Colbert, Jon Oliver, Jim Gaffigan, Jim Jefferies and James Corden crack me up.

I bake a lot.  I bake fast. My freezer is always stocked and there is usually something healthy hidden in my results.

I love meeting new people, bringing people together, hearing their stories, hosting get-togethers, connecting people, and making people feel welcome - especially newbies to Portland.

I have balance in my life thanks to the 12 hours of me time I get in the mornings during the week, a small group of girlfriends that I treasure dearly, and a supportive husband that does more than his fair share.

I have my doubts and questions just like you do when it comes to my Catholic faith.  I have internal struggles than I do not let on to you guys and it's a continuous work in progress with good intentions.

Going back to work is on my radar once all 3 are in school next year but not because I feel like I'm missing something.  I am nervous financially so working again would be mostly about the money.

Marriage is flippin' hard.  I'm not good at putting my marriage first with date nights and post kids bed time communication.  I love your Dad and we will keep riding our roller coaster.

I don't wear jewelry and prefer athleisure wear.  I always say I like to feel like I'm naked when I'm dressed so I don't feel the pinch of jeans or the tightness of pants or shirts - just easy flowing clothes...and the most common color I wear is black.

I have my vanity issues.  I still get acne and it annoys me.  I wish I could get my pre-twins stomach back but having a strong core dulls the vanity crap.

I wish I was more adventurous and it was more feasible to travel more often with or without kids.

I don't like camping and don't get all the money people spend on their gear to sleep like a homeless person.

I love having my parents living in the first floor apartment of our home.  I wish they were here more. Family first and I am very aware that I hit jack pot with some damn loving parents.

I start off the day early with an uber healthy breakfast (think spinach and vegetables) and then it usually goes downhill from there.  I don't drink coffee but I do enjoy a chai tea latte in the early afternoon.

I'm a summer girl who used to be a beach girl but central Oregon is giving the beach some serious competition.  I'd take being hot over being cold anytime.

On a normal night after the kids are in bed, I enjoy zoning out looking at pinterest boards of quotes, watching movie previews on imdb, and watching something online that will make me laugh.  I really need to read more books again.

I spend a lot of time reading up on and fretting about current events.  I donate when it's easy (Go Fund Me and HONY gets me on so many stories). I deal with the daily psychoanalysis of somehow enjoying a good cry over the reported tragedies and being frustrated for not making more of a difference and then focusing on my family because peace and love starts at home and then the cycle repeats itself.

Here are pics from September.

Back to school haircut time

Yeehaw.  Lily is in 2nd grade.

 Biker Gang

Random September afternoon at the playground after school

 Supporting Dad run a super fast 5K
 Baptized our over 100 year old outdoor fireplace by making s'mores with neighbor friends. Too chicken to try the fireplace until then. 

 Dance Party 

 End of September after school playground fun

 Elise being Elise
 We have a great view of the new construction site across from our house.  Twins love all the action.