Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter 2017!

Life makes a lot more sense to me when I stay focused on the small life I live and love so much with my family.  My kids drive me mental regularly, but it's not even a drop in a bucket compared to the discomfort and unease I get every time I check the headlines.  At times, I feel this urgency to either teach my kids humility, discipline, empathy, and a strong work ethic to help them navigate this crazy world or an urgency for them to just be well behaved so it's easier to enjoy the time we have together.  I need to remind myself that even though my time with them moves fast, being with them even when they are total brats is all par for the course just like the tone I can get or the short fuse I can have. One day I'll laugh that they still fight and scream (so loud!) about the most ridiculous things like who gets to sit next to a friend in the car or if one thinks the other is looking out "their" window.  That day is not today but I know it'll come.

Today is Easter and spending it with Oma and Opa is always a special treat (literally with the huge Easter cake she baked and Easter cookies we decorated....thanks Oma).  I love the meaning behind today - a renewed sense of hope, peace, and love.  That's it.  It's what I think of every single day when I look at my kids.

Here are some of our little life's moments these past couple of months

Chillin' with their buddy Ren.  This was right before Elise and Ren decided to get married.

 Big Helper Paul helping Oma with her favorite past time.....planting flowers
 Booked our family trips on our 2 month Sabbatical this Fall in Europe.
 Our weekly family Tennis - Oma and Opa even joined
 Having Fun at a preschool social
 Nate's sister Emily and family came to visit.  Lots of fun cousin time
 Cousin time 
 Thorns match date with Oma and Opa
Paul and Elise started Tball.  They are lucky that Dad is Coach - he's a natural at it. Team name - Cubs.  Go Cubs.
 Family Bike Ride

Daddy/Paul date at a Timbers game
Easter Egg Hunt time
Easter Family Selfie