Monday, December 31, 2018

End of 2018

The normalcy of this time of year being a good opportunity to take pause and reflect definitely went up a notch this year with also turning 40 in November.  Nate turned 42 after Christmas and the fact that he was up out of bed before me to take a spinning class shows me I'm not alone. The memories of 2018 and the self truths of starting my 40's have sunk epiphanies...just a grounded feeling of "it's all ok."

My New Years resolution for 2018 was read more because the common sight at our home in the evening had been zoning out online while Nate is reading a book on his kindle.  I read 18 books, mostly non-fiction, in 2018 which is a really big amount for me.   I want to up that in 2019.  I read a line "cluelessness no longer goes with your face" once you turn 40 which resonated with me I think because I've never believed to be that smart (thanks insecurity) but my youth and curiosity helped me get by.  I don't know if my resolution should be more focused on being kinder to myself or working on being smarter - hopefully I'll kill two birds with one stone next year. 

Looking back at 2018, there are definitely stand out moments.  

1. Seeing our close friends go through the most difficult time of their lives having to adapt to a whole new way of life from an avid athlete to a quadriplegic definitely changed us on a different level.   The unfairness and randomness of it all is heart wrenching.  Yet, there they are working tirelessly every single day to make it work and the love they have for each other and their gratitude is awe inspiring. Our recent visit simply spending time with them in their home was a favorite moment of the year.

2.  The time with my sister this year felt extra special with her surprise visits, sister getaway, and many bonding talks. 

3. Time with both sides of our family whether it was Grandma and Grandpa coming out for their visit in the Spring or my side of the family trip to Palm Springs over Thanksgiving to celebrate several November Birthdays was such a treat. 

4. I got to play with and against some really good Tennis players in my leagues this past year and even got a fun trip to Sunriver out of it.  Then I chose to step away from competitive play in the Fall and Winter to pursue other interests which was a big step for me.  

5. All the kids can read now which is a wonderful new family dynamic in our day to day family routines except for the fighting over books part between Lily and Elise. 

6. Elise loves Pickleball and snowboarding and joined Girl Scouts - didn't think I'd be typing that.

7. My brother passed the 10 year mark of living with cancer and continues to aggressively fight the big "C" with a surgery planned in January to what the doctor says will reset his clock.  Bring it.

8. Nate planning and hosting a Birthday dancing bash for my 40th was a big ordeal for us.  I'm appreciative for my friends and family that made the time to give me love and laughs and I'm so thankful for Nate..period.

9. A couple really amazing new friendships formed this year that Nate and I were not expecting at all.  We both know how much harder and rarer it is as we get older.

10. Lily and I started a Mother/Daughter Group with a few other girlfriends in January to help support each other and navigate the ups and downs as well as the tough topics all together. 

11. Nate bought a leather jacket. :)

December pics

Paul got to pick out our tree this year and he chose the biggest tree we've ever had
St. Nicklaus day is a beloved day in our house.  Elise is shocked Opa even earned treats
Elise celebrated her 7th Birthday with a small unicorn themed sleepover
Paul wanted a sports themed party with his buds.  It was the first year we did two separate celebrations
Nate and I got all fancy getting dressed up black tie formal for a friend's Birthday party.  
Social Saturday friend group end of year kids pic
Mother Daughter Club goofy group pic
Paul was really helpful in rolling out and making the cut outs this year
Always so glad and not showing my appreciation enough having Oma and Opa here to celebrate the Holidays together
Our visit to Bainbridge Island to see Dorothy and Troy after recently returning home after months in the hospital

Troy's new trick is giving handshakes with just enough sensation in the tips of his fingers
Traditional Christmas Eve Filet dinner

Christmas morning obligatory window seat shot.  They were very happy with what Santa brought.  They got exactly what they asked for.  A microscope, a doll, and a $20 with an Orange Fanta

Elise took to snowboarding nicely and Paul and Lily continue to like skiing. I might have to put on skis again to help Nate out now. Thanks to my brother-in-law, I didn't have to this time.