Saturday, March 28, 2020

Week 2 of Isolation - A Lot

A lot more indoor time due to weather.  A lot more screen time.  A lot more moments of sadness.  A lot more googling of symptoms because someone felt icky.  A lot more taking temperatures just in case.  A lot more anxiety around a trip to the grocery store.  A lot more thought given to how else we can help our community besides staying home.  A lot more closeness.  A lot more connections to friends and family virtually.  A lot of fighting.  A lot of silliness. A lot of frustrating moments.  A lot of laughing.   A lot of pajama time.  A lot. 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Not the Happiest Place on Earth

My last blog post was titled "Happiest Place On Earth".......uhhhh.....that was just 3 weeks ago.  Are we no longer on Earth?

The state of the world is nerve wracking and surreal; it's a mix of fact and nightmare.  Portland is on a "stay home stay safe" mandate.  We are to leave the house only for essential reasons which does include exercise conveniently.  6' of social distancing is the new norm.  It's hard to imagine handshakes will ever make a comeback.  I'm steering closer to becoming a germaphobe.

Our family isolation began Friday, March 13...of course it began on Friday the 13th.  Oma and Opa are here too.  We are not isolated from them.

Week 1 had amazing spring weather every single day which definitely helped us ease into our new reality.  Making a schedule works for us.  It always has.  Nate is working from home moving around to various rooms to keep away from all our noise and disappear into his parallel work world.  I am very aware of the luxury I have of being a hands on parent all day long.  It doesn't feel like a luxury much of the time but I know it is.

Right now, the news is about equipping healthcare staff because they don't have enough, the surge in cases around the world especially in Italy right now.

One of my favorite quotes is "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family."  It's a bit cheezy I know.  At this time, the quote should really just be "If you want to change the world, go home."

We'll see if I keep this weekly summary up but I sure enjoyed the distraction making this.

I pray for our healthcare workers.  I pray for all the sick patients.  I pray for everyone because every single person is impacted by this and no one has it easy.  I do not say "I pray" out loud often.  It makes me so uncomfortable when I think it's not genuine so I abstain.  I am praying hard.