Thursday, December 31, 2020

Final 2020 Moments

Goodbye 2020.  We found the silver linings where we could - all being together healthy at home (especially grateful for Oma and Opa's health), Nate very much enjoying the no commute work from home setup, all of us in lounge wear all day every day, plenty of family meals, elite-level handwashing skills, COVID vaccine, each of my kids having a close neighbor friend to see fairly regularly outside, and embracing technology to stay connected virtually with loved ones.

The whole truth of our 2020 was unfortunately more about feeling the sadness, disbelief, and frustration at the state of the world - so much mindboggling selfish behavior, divisiveness, lies, and death. For my kids, it was missing their friends, activities, and learning like they are used to.  For Nate and me, it was more about the mental drain of adulting and parenting in a world with COVID, distance learning, political chaos, BLM, a dangerous week-long forest fire which kept us in true lockdown since the air was off-the-charts unhealthy, and an alarming increase in Portland crime.  It's hard to feel grateful when over 340K Americans have died from COVID in the last 9 months and that corner we need to turn for the better still feels a little far off.    

Yet we will keep going toggling back and forth between treasuring the simple moments of joy and working through the tough moments while we keep our fingers crossed that we'll get back to the people and activities we miss as we figure out what normal means on the other side of pandemic pandemonium.

Furrow Christmas Tree Farm saved the day on a Christmas tree hunt we almost called quits on.
Elise's intricate Playmobil setups never cease to impress us.  We continue to be big Playmobil fans.

German tradition.  Lighting actual candles on Oma and Opa's tree on 4th Advent this year.

Paul and Elise turned 9.  Scavenger Hunt - Pinata - Whole Bowl - Burgerville.  Elise is all about Harry Potter, Chai tea, earrings, and our new kitten Mochi while she is NOT all about getting out of the house, refraining from sweets, and not screaming when upset.  Paul is all about being active outside, playing SO MUCH ping pong, and watching his Dude Perfect and You Tube Mountain biking videos and is NOT all about keeping his emotions in check when school frustrations occur, playing by himself, and hugging his sisters.  
After 10 years at Intel followed by10 years as a stay at home mom, I started work again at Ampere Computing in the recruiting team - all remote from home.  It's a maternity coverage for a few months and we'll see what happens after that depending how it all goes.  Been working for a month - haven't been fired yet. Even though Paul wants me to quit already, I'm personally all good with how it's going so far- embracing the weirdness and craziness of it. My office set up is between the Barbies and the costumes and next to the ping pong table.  

MAC tennis closed down again.  Coach Paul got creative and started masked conditioning workouts in the parking garage.

Traditional Christmas cookie decorating with Oma.

Family tradition of filling up each of the kid's advent calendars with little daily surprises.  Hits this year included personalized ornaments and Paul getting a much needed stick of deodorant.

Christmas Eve Family Zoom 

Opa with his 2 greatest loves: Oma and steak

Right after this picture, Paul and Elise set up camp to try and catch Santa in the act.  Santa prevailed.

Christmas morning.  Obligatory window seat picture.

Paul's Christmas gift to me.  Short and sweet and packed a punch.

Christmas day chill time

Letting lily practice the important life skills

We call our garage the bike cafe - equipped with patio heater.  Enjoying an evening drink with friends.

This view from Pittock Mansion was my most often hiked to 2020 destination.  Fitting it was my last hike of 2020 too.  

A common sight this year was Elise and her friend and neighbor playing on each other's front porches regardless of weather.

Toasting with friends to the end of 2020 and the arrival of our dear friends moving next door.

This patio heater is to me like a body pillow is to pregnant women.  Comfortable, cozy, and must be next to it.

2020 Music Playlist
Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie

    Podcast urban hikes a many in 2020.  Lin Manuel Miranda on Conan O'Brien's "Conan Needs A Friend" was really fun. The song was described as an accidental miracle.

What A Man Gotta Do - The Jonas Brothers
     Reminds me of the Grease Song "Born to Hand Jive."  It's one of the few songs all of my kids liked at the same time.  
Haim - The entire album Women in Music. Part III
    Most played album on our 2020 summer car adventures.
Boom - X Ambassadors
    Another car song for us this year.  Even Paul joined me for a choreographed shoulder heavy dance routine.

You'll Be Back - Hamilton - Johnathan Groff
    2020 brought us Hamilton. This song just completely blew me away based on Johnathan's performance. Spot on.

Americans - Janelle Monae. 
     My election celebration song. A memorable few minutes dancing to it in celebration with my Girls Night crew on a rainy cold night outside.

Don't give up on Me - Andy Grammar.  
     A song in Lily's 5th grade graduation slideshow.  Her virtual graduation and the disappointment of it hit me harder than expected.

Elise's 2020 favorites
Ms Americana & The Heartbreak Prince - Taylor Swift
I forgot you existed - Taylor Swift

Paul's favorite
Bang - AJR

Lily's favorites
Dynamite - BTS
Mad At Disney - Salem Ilese

Nate's favorites (that I like too)
The Strokes - The Adults are Talking.  Really don't want to like them but it's damn catchy.
Become a Mountain - Dan Deacon
(and that I didn't like) new albums by Deep Sea Diver, Idles, Fleet Foxes and Sufjan Stevens