Monday, May 31, 2021

Whirlwind of Activity, 12th Birthday, and One Broken Foot

 I blogged last time about how tough it is to keep up and stay balanced.  It's laughable at this point, defeat accepted, fatigue is constant.  April and May have been a whirlwind of activity, all fun and exciting except for Oma breaking her foot.  Oma has had the roughest go of it since I last blogged.  The mental toll on being wheelchair bound and dependent on others has been rough.  It's hard to imagine just how difficult life must feel; the fact that she feels more isolated and alone now compared to pandemic days weighs on her.  Hopefully she'll be back to taking her walks by August.  

The honeymoon period of working again has worn off.  I'm grateful my work confidence has returned but so has the reminder that I have a hard time turning work off and switching gears back to mom mode or wife mode. There is so much mommying (my friend coins it captaining the domestic ship) I want to do too.  At least the back pain that I was having from too much sitting for work has somehow miraculously disappeared without changing anything. 

The kids started hybrid school. Our 3rd floor remodel started - the noise, the cramped living, the mess - we're making it work.   Lolo came for a surprise weekend visit - feels like a dream with the whirlwind of fun it all was. Super proud of Lily and her performance in a local theater virtual play. Baseball started for Paul and it's been a treat seeing Paul have a blast with his friends. Elise is actually being active and training for a 5K with Girls On The Run a couple days a week.   She says her special foot bothers her sometimes but she still goes and runs.  We are fully vaccinated.  We hosted our first friends indoors for a meal in 14 months.  Lily got her first vaccine dose.  Lily turned 12.

Yup, my first born is now 12.  She wanted to celebrate by making swords, dueling with friends, having a scavenger hunt, and eating lots of ice cream with a few friends.  Lily is persistent, independent, talkative and kind to adults, helpful to others, and incredibly mean to her sister.  She is exploring her "look" both with clothes, hair, and the stage makeup she sneaks on from time to time.  She LOVES the book series Keeper of the Lost Cities, our cats, organizing, decorating, playing tennis (without me these days), and chilling alone in her room with the cats.  I wouldn't call her as much of a hugger anymore but still enjoys me coming to her room for a bedtime chat.  

Moments from April & May

Easter 2021

First day of hybrid school.  Four days a week, 8-10:15 am.  9 kids in their class.  One teacher.

Oma getting some loving from Moxie while elevating her broken foot.  

Lily and Oma 

Snuck a picture of her walking out of middle school on her first day back.  2 days a week.  1:30-4pm.

Lily getting ready for her virtual play.  Part of it was pre-recorded and much of it was live.  We all watched two floors down while Lily worked upstairs.  

Elise has perfected her chai tea latte making skills.  Frothed milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon has now been added to her routine.

Lily's 12th Birthday party

Hosting our dear friends (and now neighbors) indoors.  The hugs and being unmasked indoors was an easier transition than expected. It's the public crowds that still get me. 

3rd grade means player pitch baseball.  Paul has some heat with his throws.  Proud of him.

We physically forced Oma out of the house on Mother's Day for an outing to a nearby park.  She doesn't have much interest to get out even with a wheelchair.  Mother's Day is the one day we didn't accept no for an answer.  Sorry mom.  

Enjoying dinner with Lolo visiting.

Lolo Lolo Lolo.  We love you so.  Thank you SO MUCH for coming out to visit us.  Please move here.