Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Lost my toe during a magic trick

Before we sneak off to Maui to introduce the kids to the warm Hawaiian waters, wanted to capture what our summer has been like.  Uncle Eric's tough and scary rollercoaster health journey, (Great) Grandpa Wally's passing at age 96 and Lenny the Robin uniquely mark the season for us.  We didn't get out into nature as much, spend as many long afternoons and evenings outside exploring, or see as many friends as (pre-Covid) years past.  We had hits and misses with the camps, way more screen time than desired, and Nate and I continue to work a lot but luckily with proud personal successes.  Washington Park continues to provide an oasis of activity for us as does talking to neighbors as they walk by to enjoy our fairy garden, take a book from our library, or stop for a quick chat.  Most of our evenings have been relaxing.

I'll always remember how I felt when I took this quick video of 13 year old Lily and 10 year old Paul and Elise on July 4, 2022.  It felt like one of those moments when just the right song with lyrics speaking just to you starts playing unexpectedly at a much needed moment.  They are growing up and it's okay. 

Nate and I have tried to make it a summer to remember with making memories together and supporting their interests.  

Kid's first time seeing just what the human body can do when it comes to acrobatics.  Cirque de Soleil did not disappoint.

Paul's 10U team had a heckuva season.  They played about 60 games from April through July, won the Cal Ripken State Tournament and won a couple games at Regionals.  

Paul continues to be all about baseball, mountain biking, and tennis. Here he is at his annual Hood River Mountain Biking Camp.  What a treat to ride Post Canyon with such a small group and their own instructor.

Lemonade Stand on a particularly hot summer day.  We have had plenty of sizzling hot summer days in July and August.

Nate and Elise traveled to Michigan to join family for a few days to remember Wally Mitchell, Nate's last living grandparent who passed away at 96.  Nate talked to him around Fathers' Day and his mind was still sharp as a tack but his body was just plain worn out.  He was a regular reader of Mather Blather and we will all miss his friendly wit.

We were spoiled with 3 rounds of baby robins in the nest on our front porch.  We watched the baby robins' first flights, listened to them during feeding time, and watched and listened to Lenny and Larry bicker with worms in their mouth near the nest on a daily basis.  

Summer silly family pic after some spike ball.  

Took Lily on a solo trip to the Bay Area as an add on to my first work trip in over a decade.  Lily was a delight and an adventurous travel partner.  She even took her first flight alone going home.  

Lily loved San Fran.  Here she is at Lombard Street.

Overnight Tennis Camp at OSU.  Paul's first overnight camp.

7th Annual Irving Street Block Party.  The pool in the street will always crack me up.  Love our neighbors for making that a reality.

We hosted dear friends from Munich for a recent weekend.  Introduced them to s'mores and the Gorge.  Fun watching how great all my kids were with my friend's little ones.  Elise was asked by the 7 year old where her toe went.  Without skipping a beat, Elise said "I lost it during a magic trick."  

Elise is at Girl Scout Camp this week in Florence, Oregon.  It has been the most noticeable with Elise in coming into her own this summer.  Her comedic timing, quick wit, and independence especially sticks out.