Monday, May 20, 2024

May 2024 - Spring moments

There are two phrases I tell my kids a lot before they take on whatever it may be:

1) You only have control over your preparation, effort, and attitude. 

2) Work hard, play hard, and be a good sport.  

We've been saying these phrases a lot these days.  Raising tweens and teenagers feels like putting our foot on the gas of time (literally) in different directions.  

I think Nate and I are pretty chill overall with what is thrown our way - a teenager with minimal interest in hanging with her family, troubling health news from loved ones, job stress and security, and child anxiety come to mind. We are so very grateful for the good thrown our way too seen in the pics below.

Lily is now 15.  She is a focused and competitive young lady, whether it's being super motivated at improving her volleyball game or staying on top of her school work.  She is super independent with big goals and little interest in spending time with her family.  She is kind and goofy with her friends. Slowing down to learn life skills like doing her chores correctly (psst sweeping the floor or helping cook dinner) has plenty of room for improvement.  She isn't a hugger but she is responsive and ready to help when we ask (even with the eye roll) which we appreciate.

Lily loves playing front row

Here are a few more heart happy moments from the recent past.

                Our robins Lenny and Larry are back on our front porch.  The amount of joy and the number of "Hi Lenny" we say when entering or exiting our home is high these days.

Elise tried Track and Field for the first time.  High jump and long jump were the events she enjoyed the most. Super proud of her effort sticking with it the whole season.

We are no longer a home needing a playset in our backyard.  Paul and Elise enjoyed destroying it to make way for we don't know what next. 

Lolo and I took Oma and Opa to the Indian Wells Tennis tournament.  It was tennis heaven.  We all enjoyed the warm sun and the high quality tennis. My "heart beating fast can't stop smiling" happy moment was watching Sinner play.  

Elise spoiled us by teaching all of us how to make our own sushi. Even Oma and Opa rolled their own sushi.  

Our good friend Sara visited Portland with her beautiful family.  Just a simple visit with a good friend.

The only change to this year's Easter traditions was Lily being out of town at a volleyball tournament.  The rest of us made sure to enjoy Solleier and a backyard egg hunt.

Honoring and celebrating Eric on his first heavenly birthday sharing memories while out for lunch together.

Enjoying Chipotle late on a Sunday night after Paul won a tennis tournament.

Mental health day for Elise landed us in the Gorge enjoying the wildflowers.

Over 20 years of Monday nights with these beautiful ladies. Enjoying a change of routine with a private fashion/styling party at a local boutique from an auction win.  I'm so grateful for each of them.

Obligatory Mother's Day ask - picture of my kids.  Elise wearing jeans is the biggest surprise in this snap.

Speaking of surprises, my sister and I had so much fun laughing while prepping for her surprise visit to Portland wearing an inflatable unicorn costume.  Lolo is such a good sport.

On Lily's bday, we did some shopping before dinner.  Such a random and kinda mundane moment but it makes my heart happy being all together.

Lily on her 15th Birthday.  She wanted Indian food (mostly for the Mango Lassi).

My two faves at the Fireside bar talking about how many times we say Gesundheit before it's annoying and won't say it anymore.

Progressive dinner with our SDC friends crew.  It was a super fun night being all together. We all knew each other before Covid but Covid really brought this crew closer and we continue to have a blast and support each other however we can.

One more month of school left.  Unlike previous years, we don't have much planned other than our big trip to Japan in July.  The days of camp spreadsheet tracking activities are fading.