Next week marks 2 months and there are new things going through my mind these days:
- I am following the theory that Lily shouldn't be awake any longer than 2 hours at one time which is usually very challenging at least once a day. That over tired state sucks and I now know what that looks like.
- Starting to think about putting Lily down when she's drowsy but still awake. We still pace the house while holding her until she falls asleep whether it be a nap or at night. We won't be able to keep this up.
- Leaving Lily with a babysitter for the first time and being surprised how hard it is to leave her. We're going to see Coldplay tomorrow night.
-Lily is sleeping longer at night so I'm guessing she can now distinguish between night and day or is it the swaddling we do only at night? When do we want to stop swaddling? When will we introduce a bath at night and maybe even read to her to help establish a routine? We'll see what hits us.
- Finding the motivation to make better use of my free time. How about working on Lily's baby book or framing one of her pictures? Jeez, get with it Nicole.
- Getting more Nicole time back in the picture like more regular exercise. I never thought I'd actually consider going to a 6am workout class. We'll see on that one. Making exercise a priority is just now something we're doing more of now. Yup, yet another thing that was harder than I thought it would be.
-Figuring out more things to do in the neighborhood with Lily.
Lily's demons have left her body. Our priest told us this during her baptism last Sunday, cute little joke. Nate said it would have been funny if Lily projectile puked right after he said that, no spinning head though, too scary. Lily's Godfather (my brother) and the rest of the Biegansky Hinsdale crew were in town and it was super cute seeing my niece and nephew interacting with Lily. Seeing Lily baptized was one of those heavy moments filled with tradition, goodness, and family.
I'll leave you with a picture of smiling Lily. Nate's parents and sister arrive next week. Lily is ready and excited to smile for the next visitors.
She has a great smile!! Looks a lot like Nate. :-)