Thursday, July 16, 2009

Two Months!

Wow, time has truly flown by. Yesterday was Lily's two month birthday. She celebrated by smiling a lot and saying "aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggghhhhhh". I think that translated to "look at me, I'm two months old!". She had her two month Doctor's visit today and it went as well as we could have hoped since she received her first round of immunizations, three needles and an oral vaccine. Once the needles were done she turned as red as a beet, as red as we've ever seen her, and let out a big wail. But after she was safely back in mama's arms for a few seconds she settled down and now she's enjoying a nice nap. Aside from the vaccines, she's right on track, weighing in at 12 lbs. 11 oz. and 24 inches and showing off lots of smiles for the doctor and nurses.

Sitting in the waiting room I was looking closer at Lily's hair, and it seems to be lighter every day. Those blonde roots are more than roots now, and it's not going to be too long before she'll need a haircut. I really have a hard time picturing her as a blonde, just because the image of the first sight of her with jet black hair is burned into my brain as "what Lily looks like".

One of my jobs is to clip Lily's fingernails. It's an exercise in patience that happens at least once a week. Or whenever she scratches the heck out of herself. I just use our nail clippers, but very carefully. I looked at one of the "baby nail clippers" at the store, but it was just adult clippers with a special handle and a magnifying glass stuck to it, so I figured we'd make do with what we have. If I used to solder little chips onto boards without a problem, I can clip a baby's nails.

We now have a pretty solid nighttime routine and Lily is (knock on wood) sleeping really well. But a daytime routine remains elusive at this point, we never know when she falls asleep if she'll wake up in five minutes or two hours. But I think we'll take the daytime uncertainty if she keeps giving us peace at night.

Tomorrow Lily gets to meet her Grandma and Grandpa Mather and her Aunt Emily for the first time. Hopefully she doesn't have any after-effects from the vaccines and shows off her nice big smiles. Nicole and I are definitely looking forward to our first dinner out alone, as Grandma & Grandpa have already volunteered to babysit for an evening. Now we just need to decide between Screen Door and Yuki... fried chicken or sushi? If only these were our biggest decisions every day...

I'll leave you with a couple of pics to show Lily's range of emotions.

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