Monday, December 20, 2010

Winter Wonderland

We've been enjoying quite a white winter here in Heidelberg. As I type this I'm watching snow come down quickly as Lily takes her afternoon nap. It snowed about eight inches since I arrived in town Tuesday, then most of it melted overnight. But now it's snowing again and we've probably already had another three inches today. I guess it's an ideal time to be on vacation because I definitely wouldn't want to deal with the traffic that this causes.

Lily has had a love/hate relationship with snow so far. For a while she refused to wear a hat and gloves, which made going outside difficult. But she's turned a corner on that and now likes to run around outside in the snow with her gloves and hat on. At least as long as everyone else is wearing hats and gloves too. She still doesn't like touching snow though. If you pick up some snow and offer it to her she'll whine and walk away, kinda strange but funny.

We've borrowed a tricycle with a long handle out the back so we can push her on it. She's been playing with this on Oma and Opa's dead end street the past few days and likes to alternate between riding it (being pushed) and helping push it. This was great until today when we were walking back home from the library and there was about an inch of wet snow on the ground. The snow kept packing onto the wheels until they couldn't turn, so pretty soon it turned into Lily riding on Daddy's shoulders while Daddy dragged the kaput tricycle home up the hill. Needless to say by the time we got home we were both ready for a nap. Whew.

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