Saturday, December 3, 2011

39 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Just typing the title to this blog sounds absurd. I did not believe I'd make it this far. When I made it to 38 weeks, there was a moment when I felt proud of the accomplishment but at this point, I am just too miserable, too huge and too useless. At my appointment last week, the doctor did a quick ultrasound and said that there's still fluid and babies look good. That's it. He didn't give me weights and didn't check my cervix. He was so laid back about it which on one hand can exude confidence but on the other irritates me for not being a bit more thorough because hey, this is kind of a big deal. There is no medical reason to induce but he's fine if I want to schedule induction based purely on my level of discomfort because he said at this point there is no real benefit to keeping them in me longer; he says they're big enough. I decided against being induced because I would like the contractions to start naturally but I haven't even had a contraction yet so I might just schedule an induction after all for next week.  Lily ended up getting the flu and Nate got some kind of energy zapping cold or bug the last couple of days so there's a positive for not going into labor yet.

Another positive of still being pregnant is that I have been able to enjoy the amazing Christmas market season in Munich. It's the first year that I'm on the look out for benches more than what the booths are offering but just the atmosphere is really magical. I also got to witness Lily meeting St Nicklaus at one of her playgroups on Friday. I got choked up because I remember (probably more from pictures) doing the same thing around her age when I lived in Frankfurt.  She was a bit scared of him as you can tell from her trying to hide behind my belly but overall did well warming up enough to grab her gift from him.  We haven't figured out how to explain the differences between St Nicklaus (more bishop looking that comes a couple weeks before Christmas), the Christkind that brings the gifts on Christmas Eve, and then Santa who she wants to talk to to tell him she would like a work bench and hammer for Christmas (she's helped Daddy build a lot of Ikea furniture this year).

So the waiting continues...

1 comment:

  1. Wow - I too am amazed that those kiddos are hanging out. But they say that the longer they are in, the fatter, easier, healthier, etc that they are in the beginning. There is a rhyme and reason somehow! But no one would fault you for scheduling that induction. Do what feels right for you! Prayers your way.
