Monday, April 23, 2012

Ich hab' ein Roller

Lily has been saying something very proudly over and over again to any stranger giving her eye contact since she started riding her new scooter this week...."I have a new scooter (Ich hab' ein Roller) because I pooped in the potty." Yup, it just happened, we didn't do anything different.  She just finally decided to not say "it's too hard" and give it a darn try and it worked.
April has been a very good month and the main reason why is because of the help I've been getting. My parents connected me with a Catholic Family Care Foundation. A very experienced and warm woman has been coming every week day afternoon since Easter and will continue coming for the rest of April. She enables me to pick up Lily from school alone by bike, tram, or by foot which has been really fun 1:1 time, go grocery shopping either alone or just with Lily, go running alone, go to appointments alone...notice a theme? It's been awesome and it's really given me the chance to find a groove, find some balance, catch up on appointments and paperwork, and find my better cooking ways again; she's made life easier and it's awesome. After April, I have a short list of babysitters that are ready to help. At first my goal was to eliminate the need for help but now I've changed my goal to just lessening my need/desire for help because the help rocks and would love it at some level for a while.

It has felt like a very normal week. Lily had her first playdate with a girl from her Kindergarten, I went out for sushi with a girlfriend, went to a Birthday party as a family of 5 and managed to get a picture of me with the twins outside and not wearing lounge wear for a change, and I'm going swimming tonight with another girlfriend. It's been a good week.

Here we are waiting for our bus to take us home after a Bday party.  This is when the cool factor is at the highest for me living in Munich.  Going to the doctors, dentist, shopping, or just waiting for the bus to take us home are at such beautiful spots in downtown Munich.

Had the chance to take Lily for a haircut and she was such a pro, so proud of her.

Finally a picture of me with the twins not wearing the green sweater I wear all the time.  My mom and Nate will probably burn it happily for me together.
 Lily getting a makeover on her playdate


  1. I am so happy for you! Help does totally rock - I admit that I resisted it at first too, but now that we're back from China (and I got so used to the ayi's help) we've been hiring more babysitters and even have a (gasp!) nanny. Thank goodness for a little "alone" time :-)

  2. You ROCK glad you have had a nice week and I wholeheartedly THIRDLY support having help - it makes such a difference in your mood as a mom & individual. Love the European scarf, too...looking good!
