Sunday, July 29, 2012

On the Move, Not Quite In the Groove

The past couple of weeks have been full of ups and downs.  The weather has been hit or miss, with an annoying amount of rain and unseasonable cold, so we've been cooped up a bit more than normal.  And a nasty bug made its way through the house last week wiping out all of the non-babies for a couple of days and keeping Lily from her Kindergarten's trip to a "wildpark", basically like a zoo with some open areas where deer and a few other random wild animals wander around.  We'd been talking it up to her all week, so we were all pretty bummed when she didn't get to go.  At least we've all been enjoying the Olympics, even if Lily preferred to watch women's weight lifting instead of beach volleyball today.

Today was actually kind of comical, as Lily and I went to mass but about 30 seconds before we arrived we were hit by a downpour and by the time we got to the door I was completely soaked, with water dripping down my back.  Lily fared better with her ladybug umbrella, up just in time.  I guess God wasn't pleased that we were a couple of minutes late.

On the good side, Oma and Opa spent a few days with us this week, and everyone had a great time.  I was actually away on a business trip for most of the time, so I can only report secondhand that everyone had fun, but I can verify firsthand that we had some great BBQ ribs the last night they were in town.  

The one with the big accomplishment is Elise.  She's crawling!  She'd been on the edge for a few weeks, but Monday she finally put all the pieces together and started going.  She's still a bit tentative but she's been venturing a bit more each day.  The one thing that really gets her going?  Gigi.  For whatever reason, whenever Elise sees her she makes a beeline.  Gigi's not quite so excited and actually gave her a bit of a swat today.  I guess it's payback for all the times Elise has pulled Gigi's fur while "petting" over the past few months.  

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