Sunday, March 3, 2013

February 2013

February is already done and don't even know where to start when it comes to summarizing the month. It felt like a very grown up month with big decisions to be made, praying for current and future family medical issues, and also a very fun month celebrating Fasching (Kinda like Mardi Gras but longer) in Munich, seeing the twins interact more and more, having family fun in the snow, and joining a tennis team for this coming summer season.  I'll just post some of my favorite pics and videos from the month. We would have blogged more but our computer went kaput. I wouldn't recommend the MacBook Pro.

Elise discovered coloring (and her belly button)

My favorite picture of the month...maybe because Lily is playing nicely with Paul and Elise.

Whenever a dance worthy song comes on now, Paul goes to the speaker and starts to dance and Elise comes to me wanting up so I hold her while dancing.  This is a self pic after dancing to Hey Ho from the Lumineers.
Paul has liked trucks for a while but now he is obsessed with Garbage Trucks.  This is Paul seeing the Garbage Truck from our window.  Shortly after this pic, he was so excited and stunned from the Garbage Truck driver waving to him that he fell off the couch, ouch.

Lily's first time EVER falling asleep during dinner.  As you can see, she was pretty sick.
No, we did not build this.  Just thought it was cool.  Some guy and a ladder built a pope snowman 15 feet high because he can.
Some interaction - Prost.

Paul is usually such a bad eater wanting out so soon but this moment, he was mesmerized by food for a change.  Elise decided to have a little did Lily.

It feels like these moments of loving sibling interaction are few and far between but at least it's so cute when they do happen.


  1. So great that you've gotten moments of interaction like that on camera. It's so sweet to see Lily being such a good big sister - she's really immersed in that role now! Thanks for the update.

  2. Oh right, we have to teach Milo "cheers"! That is too cute! I love watching Elise poke her finger in Paul's ear, and he doesn't even notice! Must have been some good food. Lily's so sweet to ride on the tricycle when she can do the real deal (already, I'm still so impressed). And man, that tennis team just got a ringer.

  3. Such sweet pictures and videos (as always!).
