Thursday, October 10, 2013

Snapshot - Lily is 4.5, Elise and Paul 1.75

When I think back over the last few weeks, it's been a pretty evenly mixed bag of ups and downs.   I purposely put only super smiley pictures from particularly happy moments in this blog to help me remember our last seasonal change here in Munich to be darn good.  Little bit of self deception on this one can't hurt.

Paul is an extremely sensitive and extremely particular little boy which is another way of saying he cries a lot.   He is often the reason I go to bed early or literally have to sit in a quiet room and zone out, usually cry a little, and then pick up the pieces and try again the next day.  He is also a hilarious boy that can be so full of life running, jumping, falling down on purpose just to get laughs,  giggling, and talking so much.  He's also in love with the Merry Old Land of Oz song constantly singing ho ho ho, ha ha ha, a couple of tra la la's.....pretty cute. The perk of him being so sensitive seems to manifest itself with how observant and thoughtful he can be helping clean up, get shoes for his sisters, pick out clothes, get toys for friends, and be super sweet and gentle with babies. But if he doesn't get a particular bowl, the right shoe, or me to hold him, he loses it for quite a while.

Elise continues to have such a sweet temperament.  She wakes up smiling and ready to get out of the crib and start playing.   I am especially enjoying this phase with her because her foot is a non-issue right now.  She is pain free, running, jumping, and wearing normal shoes for every weather condition.  We just don't think about her extraordinary foot much right now.  It feels so good to see Elise so happy and active after all she went through.  Elise used to be the outsider in our 3 kid dynamic playing by herself while Paul and Lily run around the house chasing each other but now Elise and Lily are playing together much more with playmobil, Barbie, and even drawing.  Elise can chill and draw and play with toys for quite a while in peace.  Just don't get in her way (Paul and Lily) when she's in the zone because even though she is sweet tempered, the last thing she is is a push over.

Our little miss independent and bilingual Lily is more prone to being our no fear girl willing to try whatever whether it is climb a tree, try out a new class knowing nobody, or just chat up strangers.  She is crazy about ballet having taken 2 classes so far.  She is already quite competitive which comes in handy when I want her to move faster - all I have to say is "who's going to be first to ...?"but not when she had her first cry fest losing a game of Chutes and Ladders.  She tests and stretches the boundaries daily now and most of the time, it's really fun to be witness to.  Seeing her ride her bike up a steep hill all by herself or going to a sleepover at a friend's house and having a blast feel like tiny parental victories.

Here are some recent happy moments.

Checking out the Pinakothek with the twins (outside only)

Elise discovered the tire swing.

Lily now does Ballet.  So not my scene but man, she really loves it.  I can suck it up.
Sisters bonding
Paul either swings with a very earnest face or all out giggling.  Caught the giggling.

Cousin Steffi visited from Stuttgart.  Love Elise's face in this shot.
Caught the twins playing together reading books on blankets.

I remember this day to be particularly trying and glad they gave me this moment.  


  1. OMG I remember that stylin' purple jacket on Lily!! Good of you to focus on the happy moments...not always easy but as blog readers we sure appreciate seeing the smiling faces.

  2. Great job describing the kiddos, and finding the positive things to focus on. I laughed out loud a few times. ...Elise and Paul are getting so big! They look like they could hold their own with Dash. I forget that they're only six months younger than him!
    -- Aimee

  3. Great job describing the kiddos, and finding the positive things to focus on. I laughed out loud a few times. ...Elise and Paul are getting so big! They look like they could hold their own with Dash. I forget that they're only six months younger than him!
    -- Aimee
