Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Paul and Elise are 4.

Paul and Elise are now 4.  Their age is one of few things that are similar about them.  Paul and Elise continue to be so wonderfully different from each other.  

Elise is tough, silly, and independent. I don't mean tough like a bruiser (none of my kids are bruisers) but she is an easy patient when she's sick and wins almost all fights against Paul. She is also very gentle and sweet with real babies and her dolls.  She says she wants to be a doctor when she grows up.  She's damn good at drawing, coloring, and writing letters because she's interested and does it a lot these days.  She is always last out of the house, out of the car, upstairs to clean up, ready for bed, etc.  It's her power move and it's so frustrating when I'm in a rush but I get it.  She will watch Lily intently in her gymnastics class and copy her every move.  Elise loves dress up in any fancy dress, ballet, or gymnastics outfit and will dance all around.  She gets very much into her own world in the playroom and doesn't need to be with anyone for long chunks of time.  She does love to play cheerleader to Paul though.  Whenever I'm playing a sport with Paul, Elise likes to cheer him on and tell him he'll win the trophy cup.  Elise gave herself an extreme haircut the other week because she said her hair was in her face. Bye curls.  Elise continues to be an amazing hugger (time.stop.please), cracks herself and Paul up a lot with her nonsense silly talk.  It chokes me up thinking about what my Elise has to still endure with her foot/leg condition but she's tough and I'll stay strong even if my eyes are watering right now.  

Paul by far continues to be my biggest helper.  Just the other day - Paul was already downstairs with shoes on,  I was about to be, Lily was midway up the stairs and Elise was still upstairs.  I asked Elise to turn off the lights about a foot away from her and she said no.  Lily said no because she said she claimed she was too far away.  I was ready to start (more like stomp) up the stairs when Paul says "I'll do it" and ran up without even being asked.  That's my buddy.  Paul is a big singer, especially in church.  He is the worst eater by a landslide.  He is a rule follower and very observant and good at remembering details.   His preschool teachers told me that Paul is very emotionally mature and handles social situations really well.  I did laugh in their face when I heard it but after I stopped and thought about it, I can kinda see it.  He lets his guard down with me but his game is on at preschool and I'm so proud of him.  He is incredibly easy to talk to and so fun to watch with his expressions when he's on and the back and forth with him are some of my favorite moments ever (time.stop.please.stop).  It chokes me up just thinking about how far he's come and we've come together.  He is starting to tease like Opa, try out jokes, loves playing games, and rough housing with his sisters. He is still very much into sports, riding his bike, and was as happy as can be playing at the beach in Mexico.  

I'm a proud mom.  It amazes me how I can be so in love with the good moments and then want to run far away from the screaming and the whining and the yelling the next.  Our house is still such a loud house and doing simple things like getting in the car or having a meal together is rarely civilized and smooth.  We have big girl/big boy voice sticker charts and dinner rule charts and often counting to 3 for a consequence and I say stop so much each day and I repeat myself but the good moments...the facial expression from Paul when he shrugs his shoulders and tilts his head and says "yeah. sure.  no problem." and when Elise is sleeping surrounded by a pile of books in her own made fort on the floor or telling me that she wants to replace the batteries in my face after I die...the good moments are o so damn good.  I just need to remind myself more that the good moments in a sea of messy moments and mistakes and mini regrets is ok. It really is.

Morning of their Birthday after being surprised with balloons
Cute pic from their Birthday party
Birthday party cake time

Funny video of Paul getting some help from his buddy Benji blowing it his candles at the bday party.  If you listen closely, you can hear Benji's twin sister telling him to help Paul out.  Too cute.

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