Sunday, November 13, 2016

A Letter To Our Kids

Dear Lily, Elise, and Paul,                                                                   November 13, 2016

I feel the urge to write down what your Dad and I have been feeling this past week in light of the election results because the emotions are strong and what the future will look like is unnerving. 

Your Dad and I voted for Obama in the previous two elections and Hillary in this election.  Our values are more closely aligned with what they believe in...universal health care, tighter gun regulations, free higher education, women's right to choose, equal rights for all, a more diplomatic approach to foreign policy versus strong man bombs away.  We believe in science, logic, facts, and reason.  We believe climate change is very real and needs to be addressed to help you and future generations be able to enjoy planet Earth.  Earth doesn't belong to us.  We belong to planet Earth. The man who won doesn't believe in these things. 

 It is a beautiful thing to live in a country where people can have differing beliefs and views on issues and still discuss and try to work together to find common ground to make America better for all its people.  It's called democracy.  The emotions are too high and the country too divided from what we've seen to help us believe this can happen in the near future.  We also cannot understand how enough people could vote for a man who is bullying, demeaning, and dividing with his words towards minorities and women.  We believe in the mantra you say what you mean and you do what you say and if this President follows through on what he said during the election, we believe our country will be quite different in the future in the form of policies, attitudes, and behaviors.  He has given a voice and empowered the groups of people who feed off hate and set back the belief that all are created equal.  We have so many flippin' warts from our country's past and this wart feels like it's hit your Dad and I quite personally for the first time.  We understand it's a slow process to make progress but what a blow with this result.  If he doesn't follow through on his promises, phew, but this man acts with such a huge ego and off the cuff manner, it is a scary formula to lead such a divided nation with......especially with a government where the checks and balances are controlled by his party.

There are protests going on right now around the country, even just a mile away from our home so dissatisfied with the election results.   We are not going to protest in the streets of Portland and we are not social media types posting articles and commenting to get our voices heard to larger audiences.  We aren't like that but we respect the so many that do and eloquently articulate the strong emotions we feel as well. It's helpful at times and not so helpful other times. We love our community, friends, and family and choose to focus our efforts on being the good and leading our lives with continued kindness and respect for everyone we interact with.

We put a lot of value on manners, decency, respect, humility, and kindness towards all.    I have a sticker chart on the wall right now for Lily not to use mean words and I talk to my kids daily about being kind to others and never believing that anyone is better than them or that they are better than anyone else. We just can't understand how someone who doesn't present himself with the values we work hard to instill in our kids can become President.   It just makes me feel sick that this man is representing me as President.

We are now even more aware of the West Coast-urban liberal bubble we live in.  We are not sure what to do with that information.  We do know we'll go to Church and pray on it.  Besides understanding the priority of our values, we want you to always seek to understand others by listening more than talking.  We did not realize so much of America is hurting that they can look past character flaws and inexperience to vote for a drastic change that will hopefully make life better for them and their families.  Please focus on your family and friends by being present and engaged with them regularly.  Please make the time to have a relationship with God in whatever form gives you a calming joy, inner peace, and a humbling perspective on what life is all about.  

We love you.  Immer Weiter.

Mom and Dad

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