Friday, February 8, 2019

January 2019 - easing in

All of us have slowly eased our way into 2019.  January was a full month but not a busy month. It was full of quality time with Oma and Opa, spending time with dear friends, and being in touch with family and friends who have had to seriously deal with their health front and center .  We are so grateful for the break with Elise's macrodactyly.  It's been a little over a year since her 2nd foot surgery. We hope to not have to do another surgery for at least another couple years.  I feel like I'm riding a big wave in and out when it comes to Elise.  There are some days when I forget about her condition and other days that I feel mentally paralyzed from the worry I have around what the future will bring.  I see her leg length difference and now her leg width difference in addition to her foot as she continues to grow so much lately. Her taking after me in height is not helpful when it comes to addressing her condition.

Paul joined the Tennis Team Lily is on and is totally into it and Lily is enjoying playing on her Volleyball team. Elise is freakishly strong and is getting an impressive throwing arm but shows little interest in utilizing her physical strengths besides wrestling Paul at this point. She is involved in Girl Scouts and got her first taste of selling Girl Scout cookies though. 

"Stop looking at me"...."She is giving me a mean look"..."She hit me".... "I want my own room"...."Stop it"...."I'm putting the timer on"....."10 minutes off screen time" are phrases you'd hear repeatedly in our house if you were a fly on the wall these days.  Getting out the door in the morning can be such a pain in the ass.  Family dinners are full of conversation and the kids interrupting each other trying to get their thoughts out before they forget, and Nate and I just looking at each other trying to understand some of the things they are saying in their fragmented form.  The kids keep hitting independent milestones.  They can all walk home from school now together.  Lily walks home alone sometimes too and she really enjoys the freedom. I love that I can send her to the store now while she still enjoys doing it - super helpful.  Next goal - independence in the kitchen.

Before leaving to Chicago, Opa changed up Saturday morning waffle time with Popovers.  It's been a BIG hit.

Date day with Elise and Oma exploring the city.  

Got to attend an inspirational talk by Colin O'Brady who just recently came back from trekking across Antarctica 100% solo and being the first man to do so.  I was blown away by just how well spoken he was and how funny our local weather man Zaffino is interviewing him.  So glad I got to do this with my good friend Natalie.
 Palm Springs Girls Weekend didn't pan out but a fun sleepover did happen at Abby's house.  Adults can do friend sleepovers too!

Elise is already negotiating for more than $1 in her tooth fairy notes

Definitely a busy month for the Tooth Fairy.

A mini vacation to Great Wolf Lodge with dear friends.  The kids are at the ideal age right now to enjoy all the park has to offer.
Action shot.  It's funny to me seeing Lily as the short one on the court.  I simply can't relate.  She's working hard with 4 hours of practice a week and one all day tournament a month.
Came across 2 quotes this month that resonated with me. Quote #1

Quote #2

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