Monday, October 21, 2019

Sep/Oct 2019

Two months have already passed since school started. There's a lot of chatter about Halloween costumes these days but I want to write this blog to reflect on what the start of school has been like.

The kids are all incredibly full of energy, ideas, and different curiosities.  It's inspiring and exhausting.  

First day of school.  Lily is stoked to be a 5th grader while Paul and Elise are totally ok with being 2nd graders this year.

Elise is busy carving out her own place in the family making sure her interests differ from her siblings and parents.  She graduated to become a Brownie this year and is part of an all girls after school art club once a week.  She continues to be a homebody, loves playdates, and playing and cuddling with our new kitten Moxie.  At Elise's last doctor appointment for her foot, Elise's leg length difference has grown to a large enough delta that we have modified the bottom of one of her shoes so she can feel what it's like to have level hips.  It's to hopefully prevent injury and pains later in life. She says it feels so different and takes getting used to.  

At the Daisy to Brownie bridging ceremony with her troop

Cuddling with Moxie

Our Elise being Elise

Paul is busy playing junior team tennis and soccer this Fall.  It's a true joy watching him play. We always tell our kids 3 things before any kind of competitive play: 1. Play hard 2. Be a good sport  3. Have fun.  So far, they are actually listening to that advice.  Paul played in his first USTA tournament and got 2nd place. 

Random point from his finals match

Paul having a blast playing with many of his friends in the neighborhood soccer recreation league

Lily has had to deal with her first round of more emotional themes since the start of school.  We said goodbye to our beloved 18 year old Pepe.  Lily had formed a very special bond with Pepe and it showed in her grieving.  On top of that, Lily had to say goodbye to her best friend in 5th grade who moved to New Zealand.  It's the first time I've seen Lily cry as much as she has in private.  I'm grateful she has wanted to cuddle more and talk it through.  Lily is by far the busiest of probably all of us and so far she's thriving and loving it...except piano.  She is playing fall tennis and volleyball as well as taking on a role in a community production of Alice in Wonderland this holiday season.

One of the last pictures of Pepe.  Pepe rarely wanted to venture outside but we decided to let him have a final slow stroll outside in the sunshine.  

Lily enjoying tennis and her team.  She can smack the heck out of the ball these days.  There is nothing tentative about Lily on the tennis court.  I do not have to teach her power but rather control.

Lily loves practicing her ups for volleyball.  No question Lily can jump.

Halloween decorations are up!  Friendly cyclops monster for our door this year.

School pictures - 2nd grade and 5th grade

We are all looking forward to having Oma and Opa back in Portland next week after they've being gone 5 months.  Feels like it's been such a long time.   

Overall we are all healthy and doing well.  I would drop it all for the chance to move to Munich again yet I am grateful for the Portland life and friends we have.  My passion for meeting people, hearing their stories, and connecting people continues to be strong.  It's been really fun lately getting the chance to do more than usual feeding that passion with the intent to help my community.  Nate has to put up with hearing so many "guess who I met today and the cool story they shared" a lot but there is a chance he has perfected the "It looks like I'm listening but I'm definitely zoned out" face.  

Anyway, here's to the Holidays not swooping in and taking over too quickly after hopefully a dry Halloween.  

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