Sunday, December 31, 2023

Christmas 2023 & Nate's 47th Birthday

This time last year, I had made the resolution to document more of the moments when I feel most in love with myself as a way to be a bit kinder to myself and maybe learn about myself a bit more in the process.  The resolution was a big fail - not one journal entry on the topic.  What I did do, though, was journal a lot more than usual on all that happened in 2023.  It was a whole lot of hard, heartbreak, and also so much love.  Gosh, I continue to cry anytime I let myself stop and look back at 2023 like I am right now.  I have never felt so much deep extended sadness and pure beautiful moments of love over and over again. 

The love was very much felt over Christmas.  We were grateful to host my whole family including Eric's family.  The 12 of us spent the Holidays together taking it easy and enjoying each other's company at home.  There was more laughter than tears.  The hugs felt good too.  We toasted to Eric and gave him a good show he could enjoy up in heaven.   

We also made sure Nate felt the love on his Birthday.  This year's Dad triathlon involved a family walk to Powell's, a Forest Park hike, and a walk to check out the Christmas lights on Peacock Lane.  We enjoyed the new restaurant Alpenrausch for dinner to enjoy some German-Swiss food.  Hello kaesespaetzle.  

Speaking of German/Swiss food, fondue is on the menu for tonight with Oma and Opa - a decades-long family tradition.  Staying up til midnight is not an issue for the kids anymore - easy as can be.  The challenge to stay up that late is much more with me.  

Cheers to new adventures and kindness as our compass for ourselves and onto others.  

Here are some highlights of the last few days.  I loved Christmas with family so much, I didn't want to pick just a I made a highlight reel.

Paul likes to cut down the tree after Christmas. 

Elise got some new clay for Christmas.  I continue to be amazed by her sculpting creations. 

Nate's Birthday.  Started with Opa's popovers and ended with his favorite cake from Papa Haydn.  Lots of walking in between.

Christmas morning

Christmas morning family pic before everyone was ready to open presents.

Christmas 2023 Highlight reel - yeah, some of the pictures are cut off or not centered right...

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Birthdays, Visitors, Oma & Opa are back

Birthdays came and went as did a few visitors this past Fall. My sister came for a weekend for no other reason than to simply hang out with us.  She did get to do her favorite pastime a bit more on this visit: cuddling puppies.  Grandma and Grandpa also came over Paul and Elise's 12th Birthday weekend to help us spoil them.  We had a fun quick visit with our dear friends from Munich too.  

Paul and Elise are now 12 years old.  Their years were noticeably different from each other.  Elise is my home body, preferring her robe and a blanket much of the time, yet she had a year of adventures and firsts which not only make us parents proud but which I know she'll remember as milestones too.  She did her first week-long camping trip with her Girl Scout troop and traveled solo with me to Florida to be with my brother.  She surprised us by not only wanting to try the school cross country team but also stuck with it and ran multiple 3K races.  She was in her element at her 5th grade graduation - so carefree and full of joy; just how we wish to imagine our kids when we close our eyes to think of them.  Elise's culinary creations, sketches, and clay sculptures bumped up a significant notch in quality this past year.  She definitely got Nate's artistic talents and then some. Uncle Eric's passing manifested a stronger desire to do more family activities together and asking more questions than before about our family stories.

Paul had a tough year overall.   A pitching injury took him out of baseball and tennis for a solid 5 months.  He spent a lot more time biking around the neighborhood alone to pass the time (aka when we told him to get off screen and out of the house).  He lost his fire and passion for his interests this past year to the point that we were concerned he was steering towards depression.  He has bounced back some since being able to start back up in baseball conditioning and one tennis class.  What he was lacking in intensity, he made up for with his willingness to help when asked, sweet hugs, and long goodnights and cuddles.  Paul always says he doesn't like school but he is a very conscientious, organized, and disciplined student.  His cereal-loving breakfast days may be over and being replaced with omelets now.  Uncle Eric's passing manifested with a need to know the plans and timing of it all.  His eyes are on the time often. He can sense when I'm sad and will reach out and give me a hug and not say a word.  I can sense it with him too. Paul can get quite concerned if any of us are home later than expected.  

I'll remember my birthday this year being low key and feeling the love hug from my circle.  I'll also very much remember that the months I have spent watching Family Ties in order with Nate, Paul, and Elise just to find one specific episode that I vividly remember laughing so hard at with my brother and sister when I was the twin's age led to it playing on my Birthday.  Thanks Eric. It meant the world to me to see that scene again.  Steven Keaton (the Dad in Family Ties) cracks me up.

Oma and Opa are back in Portland now after being gone much of the year.  Even with my Dad's bad back and my mom not having function of one arm, they helped me out of a bind putting together a quick salmon appetizer for me to take to a last-minute work potluck.  That's what they do - they help however they can whenever asked, especially when it comes to food.

Next up is hosting Christmas.  We are all very much looking forward to seeing Sonya, Ken, Jill, Ryan, and Emma. We have some fun in store that will surely bring some laughs.  We'll make Eric proud as he watches us celebrate Christmas together.  As Buddy says in Eric's favorite Christmas movie "Elf": "I just like to smile. Smiling is my favorite."  We will try and channel Elf this Holiday.  

Birthday dinner - take out from G-Love

This is where I go to feel most connected to what my heart is feeling.

Big welcome to Lolo at the airport

We enjoyed Thanksgiving with friends in Black Butte Oregon.  This was after a game of touch football

The homemade knitted socks strings for each of the kids is one of my favorite Christmas decorations and traditions.

Elise's Birthday sleepover party with her crew.

A Christmas tree helps bring calm to the home

Twins wanted sushi for their Birthday dinner with Grandma and Grandpa

12 year old Paul and Elise, still about the same height!

This is a view from Lily's high school during a random weekday sunrise.

Welcome back Oma and Opa.  Opa was unpacked within minutes of arriving.

At Elise's Christmas piano concert.

Paul's Birthday party sleepover with his crew.  They enjoyed the candy shop and even tried Bean Boozled game for the first time.  The bad ones are more horrific tasting than expected.

Last picture of 2023 with the GN (girls night) crew, going 20+ years strong of our Monday nights together