Sunday, December 31, 2023

Christmas 2023 & Nate's 47th Birthday

This time last year, I had made the resolution to document more of the moments when I feel most in love with myself as a way to be a bit kinder to myself and maybe learn about myself a bit more in the process.  The resolution was a big fail - not one journal entry on the topic.  What I did do, though, was journal a lot more than usual on all that happened in 2023.  It was a whole lot of hard, heartbreak, and also so much love.  Gosh, I continue to cry anytime I let myself stop and look back at 2023 like I am right now.  I have never felt so much deep extended sadness and pure beautiful moments of love over and over again. 

The love was very much felt over Christmas.  We were grateful to host my whole family including Eric's family.  The 12 of us spent the Holidays together taking it easy and enjoying each other's company at home.  There was more laughter than tears.  The hugs felt good too.  We toasted to Eric and gave him a good show he could enjoy up in heaven.   

We also made sure Nate felt the love on his Birthday.  This year's Dad triathlon involved a family walk to Powell's, a Forest Park hike, and a walk to check out the Christmas lights on Peacock Lane.  We enjoyed the new restaurant Alpenrausch for dinner to enjoy some German-Swiss food.  Hello kaesespaetzle.  

Speaking of German/Swiss food, fondue is on the menu for tonight with Oma and Opa - a decades-long family tradition.  Staying up til midnight is not an issue for the kids anymore - easy as can be.  The challenge to stay up that late is much more with me.  

Cheers to new adventures and kindness as our compass for ourselves and onto others.  

Here are some highlights of the last few days.  I loved Christmas with family so much, I didn't want to pick just a I made a highlight reel.

Paul likes to cut down the tree after Christmas. 

Elise got some new clay for Christmas.  I continue to be amazed by her sculpting creations. 

Nate's Birthday.  Started with Opa's popovers and ended with his favorite cake from Papa Haydn.  Lots of walking in between.

Christmas morning

Christmas morning family pic before everyone was ready to open presents.

Christmas 2023 Highlight reel - yeah, some of the pictures are cut off or not centered right...

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