Saturday, August 1, 2009

Blue Lake Sprint Triathlon - Aug 1, 2009

I had been toying with the idea of doing a sprint tri this summer but kept talking myself out of it. I kept going back and forth between how strong I would feel to finish after recently having a baby to not wanting to have any kind of pain after just experiencing so much of it. Thanks to dinner with the Glumbiks a few nights ago, I decided to commit and just give it a go. Feeling strong won out. Maybe someday, Lily will find out I did this and be proud of me even though I'm the uncool mom who embarrasses her and doesn't let her do anything she wants.

So, let me give you the details on my training plan....uh...there was none, zilch, zero. I hadn't run or bike since last September during the Black Diamond Tri when I was 5 weeks pregnant and didn't know it. I did keep up my swimming because I love it so much, especially when I was pregnant. Leading up to my previous tri's, I thought about the details a lot, what gear to use, transition efficiency, and technique. This time around, I didn't. I thought more about where I could pump before starting the race and whether I'd leak through my bathing suit.

I really enjoyed the race. It's obvious because I'm smiling in all the action shots. I was curious to see how my body would do with no training, wanted to have that great feeling of crossing the finish line, and remind myself of my pre-baby me and that my body can do more than be a boob tap for Lily. The thoughts that crossed my mind were comical. While on the bike, my butt got sore quickly on that eensy weenzy seat. I kept telling myself that this pain is nothing compared to the hemorrhoids I had to deal with after giving birth. Anytime I had discomfort or light pain, I kept thinking "please nicole, this is nothing now, I had a flippin baby with no epidural." My pain threshold is at a new level. The sore throat I used to rate as a 10/10 would now be a meager 4, ok maybe 5. I do hate sore throats.

I couldn't have done this race without Nate, no way. A friend calls him the All American Hero for taking me off the market but I call him my hero because he supports me, pushes me, tells me when my bike helmet is on backwards, and knows how to change a flat tire. It was really motivating to make Nate proud of me too.

I posted an album of pics from the race too.


  1. Go Nicole - you rock! I know what you mean about the L&D experience changing your pain threshold. When Jude was 5 days old I had to have some dental work done (a crown fell off) and it was like a tickle compared to an unmedicated delivery...:)

  2. Wow, that is such a great accomplishment, Nicole! Lily will definitely be proud of you and you'll be the "hard core" mom. Congratulations on motivating to do it and finish it!

  3. I'm so proud of you Nicole! That's awesome!
