Sunday, August 16, 2009

Video of Lily at 3 Months Old

Lily is now 3 months old. The main changes we've noticed are that she is absolutely mesmorized by her hands. She does this Tai Chi meets The Matrix with her hands move, sucks on her hands a lot, and she smiles and talks more than ever before. I haven't heard the obvious giggle but we're assuming her fake coughs while smiling are her early attempts at it. Here's a typical video of Lily at 3 months.

PS We recommend Huggies over Pampers for superior blowout protection.


  1. So totally cute! She's growing by leaps and bounds and seems very alert now. I do want to ask...what brand of bouncy seat is that? (I like how simple it is without a lot of extras)

  2. Very cute :) Interesting, I think we had better luck with Pampers over Huggies.
