Sunday, February 21, 2010

Snot and Sun

The past couple of weeks have felt a bit like a grind. Some new things, but it's taken two weeks to get over this cold we all have. I've been the lightest hit, but it seems like Lily's nose has been running and Nicole's been coughing for a looong time. It's been hardest on Nicole, since she kept away from her and Lily's usual daytime social routines for about a week as the cold peaked. We're all well down the road to recovery now and it will be great to have everyone back to their normal selves soon.

As for new things, Lily's at the cusp of cruising along furniture. She's taken a few steps while holding on, but usually if she wants to get further along she'll just drop down, crawl to her destination, and then pop back up. She's being more vocal, though "da" or "dada" seem to be her default words for pretty much everything. Unless she thinks everything she sees is a dog or her Dad.... She also got her first balloon at the grocery store the other day and didn't care too much about it except that the cats wanted to hang out with her and try to eat the ribbon tied to it.

I went on my first business trip since Lily was born, and we all survived just fine. It was just a quick overnight trip, but we can check if off the box. Luckily I didn't get the nasty 24-hour stomach bug that three of my co-workers came down with. I'll probably have a lot more trips this year than last, a combination of the improving economy and my willingness to sign up.

We also looked at a house in our target neighborhood today and it was definitely do-able. But when we sat down and talked about it later we decided there were just too many compromises: somewhat busy street, no parking, kinda weird layout, non-kid friendly stairs... so the search goes on. Will we head to the suburbs after all? We'll see.

The weather's been great here, and Lily's been getting in some good time on the kiddy swing at the park. It's been a nice preview of spring, but in the back of our mind there's the reality that we'll probably have a lot more rainy days before the next stretch of sun. But we've got no complaints, 60 degrees in February is great!

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