Monday, March 1, 2010


I got a kick out of a realization the other day, it has to do with fashion. Before Lily, I would ask Nate "does this look good?" before walking out the door. Since Lily entered the world, that question has been replaced with "does this look too ridiculous?" Don't worry, I'm not taking walks with Lily in my nightgown and with curlers in my hair but let's just say I'm hoping my smile really helps cover up my fashion choice for the day. I now get why there are so many makeover segments on shows with moms who got stuck in a certain decade. I look forward to my surprise makeover in the future orchestrated by Nate and Lily.
Lily is nearing 10 months in a couple weeks. Even though she only took one nap today, she was busy making me so proud. She now points out the lion and panda pictures on the wall and roars like a lion when I ask her what a lion says. All the stopping I do on my walks with her to point out flower, tree, and leaf, like a broken record is paying off. Thanks to the early bloom this year, she has had a lot of practice with flower and now points them out. I'm just so amazed by the connections she's making in her brain right before my eyes.

The last couple weekends have been a real treat for us because a friend of ours took some amazing pictures of Lily with a few family pics thrown in too at the park. I love them, can't stop looking at them. Here are a couple of them, I think you can guess what my sentimental favorite is...and yes I get misty eyed.


  1. I have to disagree. You always look uber hip whenever I see you! And the photos are adorable - post more!

  2. I agree with Nat, you always dress great! Love those pics! She is so cute, and smart too! Great job Super Mom!
