Sunday, September 12, 2010

When It Rains, It Pours

This past week started off busy dealing with all the logistics of spending the rest of the year in Munich in less than 2 weeks time (Nate leaves in a week!)...securing Munich apartment, finding a house sitter, and all the odds and ends that go into leaving a home for so long and setting up shop somewhere else. No question it's incredibly exciting and I have had moments of absolute giddiness thinking about this awesome opportunity we're about to embark on. I have done google street view repeatedly of our Munich home and what's around us and how long it'll take to walk to not only the nearest park and indoor swimming pool but also which route to take when walking to the Viktualienmarkt (impressive food market).

I guess moving to Munich isn't enough excitement for us....a house we've been negotiating with for the last month decided to accept our "long shot" offer; it's contingent on us selling our current place. That means our home will be on the market starting Tuesday and we might be closing on both deals while we're in Germany. Our home has been reviewed by a really cool home stager that gives his first hour of service for free (you can guess how long he was here) and our place is now "mom would even be impressed" level of clean, bare, spacious looking and sadly depersonalized now.

One of the things I'll miss most about this place is being able to open the back door and watch Lily walk out of our patio and into the courtyard to play with her friend Mali who lives across the courtyard from us; I will miss that perk of communal living. Here's a picture of the two of them doing their thing and a funny little video of Lily and her neighbor friend Mali playing with a music table. I'd like to believe Lily was already showing signs of a jokester side but she was oblivious to Mali's needs.


  1. That video CRACKED me up! Wow - so this house that you wanted that was all back and forth before (the one that tried to raise the price on you)?? Congrats!! Good luck selling - I think staging was a good idea, it definitely helps the appeal. :-) Can't wait for more posts from you guys!

  2. Wow, seriously big news about the house - that's great! And Germany will be here before you know it (though we will miss you over on this end!)

  3. Congrats on the house and have a great experience in Munich!

  4. Good luck with the house and move...very exciting! BTW, we have that same toy with the little laptop, piano, etc...Sydney does the same thing where I'll hit a key to listen to a song and she'll hit a different key in the middle of the song to place something else :)
