Monday, November 1, 2010

Churches and Animals

The first month of our Germany adventure is complete. Lily sums up it best by the words she says a lot these days...oma, church, duck, horse, and tschuss (german bye). Because Bavaria is very catholic, everywhere we go to explore whether it be to the tallest mountain in Germany or a small town somehwere nearby, there is a church or a cross everywhere. Lily likes to point out churches and tell us when the church bells are ringing (it happens A LOT).

Besides being tourists, we have spent much of our time with animals. If there's a duck, deer, or goat, Lily wants food to feed them. There are some really cool zoos and animal parks around here (big recommendation for Animal Park in Poing in case it ever comes in handy).

I asked Nate what he'd want to add to this blog and he said "he's over trade shows." He's traveled a lot on this trip which has been by far the biggest bummer about all this. The up side is that we have seen a lot of Oma and we love having her here. Opa deserves a shout out too for spoiling us - thanks Dad.

Here is our past month in pictures. We are excited for this coming month. Lily and I are tagging along on his next business trip to Vienna which happens to fall on my Birthday, weekend trip with a couple of German friends that used to live in Portland and their friends, and hosting Thanksgiving with my parents.

October 2010 Germany Adventure - Month 1.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! You guys are really taking advantage of everything there. Glad you're having quality time with Oma and Opa.
