Friday, October 22, 2010

Tiny Dancer

I slowed down the tourist part of me and went to a couple playgroups I found online and through a friend this past week. One was in English (all British moms) and the other was in German. I learned that Lily doesn't like me speaking German for too long and she's all about music and dancing and playing with any doll she can get her hands on. Ever since we left Portland, she has started to really cling to dolls. She has to have her baby "Ana" with her much of the day and she sleeps with 4 dolls in her crib right now. It's pretty cute...when I put her to bed, she's holding 4 dolls in her arms. When I get her up, she's standing in her crib holding all 4 dolls. Ana is like Toy Story's Woody though...the #1 doll Lily always asks for. As a quick really cool side story, Ana is the same doll my sister was attached to at Lily's age. When we first arrived in Germany, my mom led Lily to a room full of dolls and stuffed animals (I'm talking at least 20 choices here) and Lily chose my sister's special doll.

As for Lily's other new things recently, I would say the main thing is her ability to now either lead a game or order us around. She will now tell me where to sit and when to get up, asks (who am I kidding, orders) me to spin around and then she spins kinda like the first signs of a simon says. I am more amazed by how much she understands than by how much she's talking at this point. It's cool to hear her put 2 words together once in a while but wow, I could be talking to Nate about some pigtails that look like horns in passing and Lily will suddenly start making the horn sound with her mouth.

No question Lily loves to dance. Here's her first time listening to music on head phones.

We did have a perfect fall day so I had to take her to Olympic park and see the view from the tower.

At the German speaking playgroup. Lily's first attempt at painting. She was more interested in checking herself out in the mirror off to the side.

A nice walk along the Isar river. I love this shot because I asked Lily to smile for the camera and this is what she gave me.

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