Monday, January 24, 2011

The Bug

Well, it was bound to happen. Lily got sick. We all did, in fact. A stomach bug found us. With a vengeance. Luckily the worst was over in about twelve hours. But those twelve hours were not a pretty sight. Let's just say we needed to do laundry that day.

In hindsight, it was really hard. Luckily I wasn't too hard hit while the girls were down for the count. But as they were out of commission I was playing nurse and wondering how we would handle it if all three of us were hit. Nicole was in no shape to care for a sick little girl, and if I had gone down too I don't know what we would have done. I guess our house would have either been a complete biohazard or we would have begged a close friend to put on a surgical mask and come over to take charge for a few hours. I guess that's one reason that having family close by is a good thing. You can always count on Grandma or Grandpa (or Oma and Opa as the case may be) to pick up the slack in a situation like that, right?

Not good times, but now we're just about back to normal except for some still out-of-whack eating habits from the experience. It will happen again, but hopefully not for a long, long time. At least through the ordeal she was still cute...


  1. You guys are all troopers, as it's hard enough just having a sick child. I'm sure you are so glad it's (mostly) over!

  2. I hear you! It's so sad when your kid is sick, and if you are sick too and can't help - that's just the worst!
