Thursday, March 31, 2011

Leaving Portland April 14

Since the last post, not much has changed in what we've been up to but we have accomplished A LOT. Flights are booked, hotels are booked, movers are scheduled, and stuff we're leaving behind continues to sell. Nate has been in Italy and Germany this last week for work. He actually got keys to our new apartment today and was able to drop off our first suitcase of belongings. He said the building is fancier than he thought it would be and our 2 bedroom apartment is a bit smaller than he expected. We are happy about the open layout. We will have to adjust to a kitchen that is half the size (minimal counter space will take some getting used to) of what we have now and a freezer that is a 1/3 of the size. Definite perks are very high ceilings, floor heat, washer and dryer in the unit, and 2 full bathrooms. Here are a couple pics of our new home.

Nate's tired from jet lag and traveling so much and I'm exhausted from a rough few days with Lily. Even if it's true that it might have to do with Lily sensing change coming, not much I can do about it. To top it off, she has a nasty rash right now that made it's debut while I was doing a walk through with the moving company. Um yes, my daughter was running around the apartment naked with poop all over her (imagine pancake batter on her) because she wouldn't let me touch her, then she peed on the floor inches from the man's foot, then the man waited while I got into the bath with her thinking that will entice her enough to get in but instead just screamed bloody murder for 10 minutes while the nice man waited patiently and probably horrified downstairs. Our 1 hr appointment turned into 2.5 hrs. On the more fun side of things, you might remember that Lily says brocolily. She now says efelily for elephant and strawbelily for strawberry. It's always about her. :) Here are a couple recent pics of Lil' hanging out with her friends Liana and Sam.


  1. That looks like a fancy place! It looks like there's a big stained glass or art piece in front? Of course, then there's that guy on the stairs in a t-shirt and shorts :)

  2. Yeah, fancy building, stained glass at the entry. And the guy on the stairs is putting on his awesome headband to go for a run.

  3. VERY cool looking place! Looks like something out of a artsy-design magazine. Also, love the kid photos :-)

  4. Wow! I'm just getting caught up on the news. Congratulations on taking this awesome adventure. I have a good friend who also recently moved to Munich with her husband (and is pregnant with their first baby). Will have to put you guys in touch. Now this gives us double incentive to visit!
