Friday, May 20, 2011

Big Lil' Is 2

It's been a while since we've written, and of course a lot has happened. Ok, not big things like our shipment arriving, but we've been taking a lot of little steps towards being at home in our new home. We have a bit more furniture, ok just one more piece, but that's like 50% more than before, right? And we've been adapting by making use of what we do have by doing things like turning our suitcases into a bookshelf and toy bin for Lily.

Speaking of the girl, she is officially two now. She made out like a bandit for her birthday, even getting delayed gifts by innocently giving her birthday cupcakes out to the neighbors and apparently making them feel guilty. I guess the cupcakes were that good. Her birthday dreams of hats, bubbles, candles, and two presents were realized. Of course there were a few more than two presents. And an interesting phenomenon occured when she was finished opening her official gifts she started finding things around the house that she had never played with before and suddenly wanting to open them.

Since Mothers' Day she seems to have hit her stride. There's less whining going on, she's learning lots of new words, and is able to express herself more and more. Tonight when going to bed she was trying to say "I love you Mommy", sort of said "love Mommy" and then when I asked her to say it again she said "no, I'm tired". She must have gotten that from her Mommy. :)

The work travel has begun, I spent a couple of days away this past week and Sunday I leave for a week of running around England visiting small customers. Nicole and Lily are taking the opportunity to hop on the train to spend a week with Oma and Opa so no one will get too lonely.

Here are the latest pics and videos...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Big Girl Lily!! Those videos were great and I loved how she bypassed 1 through 7 at the end in order to get to the "Yaaay" and clapping part by her parents. :-)
