Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Surprise, Surprise

Ok, we haven’t been blogging as much the past few weeks. Sure, we’ve been busy getting settled and the work trips have begun. But the main reason is that we’ve just been holding back. Since Easter Nicole has been feeling like complete crap. Lower energy, tired, not much appetite, stomach cramps, etc. For those of you who have experienced something similar, you probably already know what’s going on. If you don’t, I’ve just described symptoms of morning sickness. Yes, we are having another baby.

So Nicole has felt like crap, we didn’t have health insurance until last week to even allow us to confirm the pregnancy with a doctor, and we didn’t want to say anything without getting some confirmation (as a side note, to get private health insurance all three of us had to get health exams including blood and urine. Yes, Lily had to get blood and urine taken, not so much fun). Well today we got our confirmation. Nicole got a doctor recommendation from a friend in our building and the three of us made the short trek to the doctor’s office which is just off of Marienplatz, the main square of Munich with a famous glockenspiel with dancing figures which Lily loves watching. Anyway, we all got to see the ultrasound, but Lily was mostly distracted by the ultrasound mechanism itself as opposed to the cool pictures on the screen. Right away we were able to see the head and spine. And then the doctor said “oh, there’s a second one.” Yes. A second one. We are having twins.

Frankly we are still in shock. Even before we knew there was a second one we were questioning what we were thinking, an early pregnancy while settling into new surroundings and a due date just as winter is setting in with an energetic little girl who won’t be getting out to the park as much as she wants. And then to hear there’s a second one… what the heck are we going to do? We never considered having three kids! Will three car seats even fit in the company car we just ordered? Will we ever leave the (suddenly very small two bedroom) apartment again? We had a great support structure in Portland. Sure, we didn’t have family close by, but we have a lot of great friends there who provided a lot of great support through the years. And now we have… Nicole’s parents three and a half hours away and not necessarily able to jump right in and take a super-active role in helping. We’re slowly starting to make a few friends in the neighborhood, but we’re a long way from anything approaching a support network. So yes, we’re freaked out about what’s going to happen in six months. And yes, at the moment we see a lot of down sides and no upsides (anyone have any for us?). At least we have six months to get ourselves composed. Deep breaths…


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started reading this thinking - yeah, another baby! Then I read the comment about the second one.... WOWWOWOW! You guys are in for a big huge handful coming up this winter. But YOU CAN GET THROUGH IT. God doesn't give you something you can't handle - and think of the blessing your family will be to you in years to come. That first year will be the most challenging, I'm sure. I'm also sure Nicole's parents will help a ton, and maybe she can even spend time there with Lily, or send Lily to be with Oma and Opa for a week at a time while you two are home with the twins. Congratulations! Welcome to the Three Kids in the Family club. :-) p.s. please call and/or skype if you want to vent nicole - I definitely have experienced some moments of not-so-blissful feelings about this third pregnancy... though now I feel kind of petty saying that to you... but still. I'm happy to lend an ear whenever!

  2. OMG, I did not see that coming. Not even #2! Congratulations!!! This is exciting, awesome, and shocking, I can only imagine. Of course we wish you were here so we could all experience the next six months together. Like Andrea said, you will have a strong support group in your new home, grandparents, friends, Lily, and yourselves! I've always thought you two having amazing, fortunate opportunities in life - and deservedly so - so this is obviously all part of the wonderful Mather luck. Hugs to you ALL! Since I'm ever so curious, due date???

  3. I don't even know what to say. I'm speechless. Ok, how's this for an upside? I bet Germany has a better parental leave policy than the US (it couldn't be worse). Hopefully Nate can take a good chunk of time off so you are all home during the early days. Also, I know in France the government will send someone to your house to help you with the babies during the first year. Maybe Germany has something similar?

  4. Amazing! With our 2nd due in Oct, I can somewhat understand the feelings...I'm very confused by how Kelly and I are going to pull this one off :) If anyone can make it work, it's the two of rock!

  5. Oh wow, congrats! I agree with the others - you'll have a strong support system in place by the time the twins arrive and I know Nicole's parents will be more than willing to help you guys out. As you know and as I've learned the last three months, necessity will make you figure things out, one way or another. A five person Mather family!

  6. The Mathers Five will be a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure - big congrats! I bet there will be that one incredibly special moment a few months, or years from now, when this surprise will make complete sense and you won't be able to imagine life any other way. :-) So excited for your family's new journey.

  7. WOW!!!!
    I am sensing bunk beds and beer in the future for sure.
    Congratulations to you both and Brandy and I will be sending good vibes your way.
    I really liked Lilly’s birthday song . 

  8. I can't even imagine that shock! We are sure that if anyone can handle such an amazing surprise it will be you three. I'm sure that it seems crazy and overwhelming but it will all be worth it when one day you look at your three beautiful babies and know that you have raised amazing people. Good luck and know that while far away, you have lots of support and people thinking about you :)

  9. Hi Nicole & Nate - first of all, congratulations! I know you're super-stressed right now, but I also have total confidence that in time you will come to see this as a blessing. What a miracle to be blessed with twins!

    Second, I did a little digging and found an organization in Germany that provides families with volunteers to help them manage everyday life with newborn babies. It's called "Welcome," and they have 50 teams who provide support for over 1000 families. The volunteers work for free, while the families pay a small fee to cover overhead. Their web site is

    I hope they can help!

  10. Wow - that is wonderful news! I wish we were coming later so we could meet them. I promise we'll be lots of help with busy little Lily while we are there.

    Twins are a gift! My sister-in-law, Jenny, just had twins (that made four kids total, all under 5) and while it is a lot of work it is also really fun. Twins have an extra special bond - just ask Will, his relationship with his brother is so unique.

    And I'm sure given who you two are that a wonderful network of people will open up to you in no time. And I think having twins will help, who doesn't want to check out and ohh and ahh over a pair of twins? I am so excited and happy for you three!

    Nicole - I read somewhere that tall women are more likely to have twins, who knows maybe I'll join you soon!

    Love love.
