Monday, July 25, 2011

Disaster Averted

Well, it finally happened. It took so long it's almost embarrasing. It had been rumored to be happening soon for a long time, and the time finally arrived. Nicole spent a night away from Lily. In fact, two. And I know it's amazing, but everyone survived.

Nicole had intended to do a weekend getaway with a girlfriend or two quite a while ago before we left Oregon, but it just never happened for no particular reason. And with the chaos that will arrive in a few months, it was really now or never. So Friday afternoon she packed a bag and set off with her old high school friend for a spa getaway near the Alps south of the city.

Let me just say it really could have been a horrible, horrible weekend. About an hour after Nicole left, Lily was playing but kind of laying around and mentioned that her tummy hurt. I didn't really pay it much attention and we went for a little bike ride. But during dinner she was obviously not herself, not really eating and acting really tired. And after more laying around and acting very sleepy, as we were heading up to her room she puked all over. Uh oh. The only other time this happened, Lily was puking for hours and it was a miserable night with all of us getting sick. She had a fever so I gave her some medicine and decided to proceed with bedtime as normal. After that I prepared for the worst, taking a preventative dose of Advil and taking care of everything that might need doing in the next 24 hours in case we were a complete mess. I decided that night not to tell Nicole about our little mishap unless we ended up in the ER or something, I didn't want her to worry. I went to sleep early fully expecting to wake up within a couple of hours with either or both of us grossly ill.

But lo and behold, I woke up as usual, with Lily calling from her crib at a normal hour. Her fever was gone and mine never arrived. We played it safe that day and just went for a couple of short bike rides to the center of town to see the "tower dolls", but everything was fine. Crisis averted.

Anyway, besides that whole misadventure, the weekend went really well. We had fun together and did things that we don't usually do with Mommy, like eat Döner. I think my takeaway from the weekend was twofold, I'm ready to do it again whenever (at least until the twins arrive), and I have a little better insight into the realities of the routine we're pretty rigid about: there are a few hours after breakfast and before nap time to go do something fun, there's nap time (at least in theory there's napping going on, probably a subject for another blog), there's time after the nap for a small outing or combine it with dinner out, and then it's time for bed. There's not a whole lot of room there for getting creative, especially without a car. When Nicole's around, we're ping-ponging between us with errands and getting out for exercise, but when it's just one of us it's like we are very much locked into the routine.

And of course now I realize I didn't take a single picture the whole weekend. Oh well, hopefully Nicole can have another getaway while she's still feeling pretty good.


  1. Wow, definitely big potential disaster averted! Glad it all worked out and sounds like you guys had some great daddy/daughter time.

  2. Great job, Nate! And I can't wait to read Nicole's story of her weekend! Good for you guys - get at least one more of those in before babies... :-)

  3. Glad to hear it all worked out with no problems! But I'm sure you would have had it taken care of if there was a problem :) And, mmmm, doner.
