Sunday, July 10, 2011

Good Times

Things are looking up here. We had a great weekend and the past week was really good as well. We even managed to hang a couple of pictures on the wall today. Of course Nicole feeling better has a lot to do with the good times, but a lot of the credit goes to Lily. Lately she's been fun to be around more often than not, really putting smiles on our faces just by being herself. She's surprising us a lot with new words or actions, it's almost hard to keep pace.

Now if she sees someone crying she'll point out that "she's sad", and will sometimes offer the sad person food or a toy to "make them feel better". Really cute to see. She's also a big singer now, loving to sing her German songs even if she has no idea what they mean and her Music Together songs from her classes back in Portland. This past week or so she's started joining in when we sing some of her songs to her... guess we have to figure out three part harmonies now.

Ok, this feels braggy now so I'll take it down a notch to share something Lily got from her Mama. Nicole loves to grunt when she plays tennis and has managed to pass this along to her daughter. Video proof is below.

Another funny one... she knows that Mama has babies in her belly, and one of our neighbors has a rather large grown son. You probably can guess the rest, but yes, Lily pointed out that this guy had babies in his belly too. And yes, he understands English just fine.

Ok, ok, enough for now.


  1. So glad to see things looking up in your world. Lily grunting - classic!

  2. funny!! Lucia has told us that Dada also has a baby in his tummy - though that was more the last pregnancy than this one. :-)
