Wednesday, October 5, 2011

30 Weeks Pregnant and Missing Good Ol' USA

Today I really miss America. I had an appointment today at the hospital I'll be delivering at.
Because it's normal here for the doctor I'm seeing throughout the pregnancy to not do delivery, I had to schedule a prep appointment at the hospital for paperwork and tests so they can get my data on record using their stuff. Just trying to go with the flow here. I was already warned by enough that it's an old building outside and inside so not what you might be used to but the staff is amazing.

I will be sharing a room with 2 - 3 other people and bathrooms are not attached to the rooms. Husbands don't spend the night as there are no sleeping accommodations. I was most looking forward to meeting some of the staff and confirm my assumption that they speak great English given that it's a University Hospital . My appointment lasted 3 hours and 30 minutes of it was actually doing something other than sitting on a wooden bench uncomfortably waiting. No padded chairs here. My assumption was wrong. Not only was the English poor but the people I met were cold and made me feel very rushed. Yeah I have more questions than a German patient - deal with it. The combination of the interior looking like the inside of the hotel from The Shining crossed with the mental institution from One Flew over The Cookoo's Nest and the unfriendliness just gave way for a meltdown. Of all places, where did I lose it? In the communal bathroom peeing in a cup. I really needed familiarity and kindness and I didn't get it. Sleep deprived, hormonal, and physically uncomfortable = Emotional!

Good news is the babies are looking good, over 3 lbs each now. I'm hoping for a normal birth but unfortunately they are both in breech position. I have to go back to the hospital in 3 weeks to check position again and possibly start talking about the C-section process. They are moving A LOT these days so I'm hopeful they can still flip.

Here I am at 30 weeks pregnant now and when I was 36 weeks pregnant with Lily. I can't tell a difference in size.


  1. Oh Nicole! I'm sorry they were not so friendly to you! And sharing a room with 2-3 other mothers... yikes! We really do have it good over here, I guess. I know! Just fly home in 3 weeks and deliver here! :-) yeah right... You can do it!!!

  2. Nicole, sorry this was not a more positive experience, but hopefully the nurses and doctor on the day you give birth will be more sympathetic and caring.

  3. Hang in there Nicole! I wish all of us GN girls could be there to hold your hand during all of this. You're one of the bravest people I know, and you can totally do this. Sending good thoughts for all 5 of you, Jen

  4. I'm with Nat. Here's to hoping the nurses and staff are warm and friendly when you're an actual patient. ...As for a C-section, if it turns out you need one, I'm sure you'll recover well. You have always taken good care of yourself and are in great shape (even if you don't feel like it at 30 weeks)!

  5. Oy, I would have melted down much sooner. I too am rooting for a much better experience on the big day! And I'm sure meeting Hans and Gretel will make you forget all about it :)
