Saturday, May 12, 2012

Blue Eyes, Smiley, and Poopy Pants

I am mom to blue eyes, smiley, and poopy pants aka Lily, Elise, and Paul. Lily knows how to work those blue eyes these days to try and get something, Elise is such a big open mouthed nose scrunching smiler to everyone, and Paul poops all.the.time. Lily is currently miraculously napping which she pretty much gave up since starting Kindergarten, Paul is making high pitched squeals while kicking both his legs in his bouncy chair to help him rock more and Elise and Daddy are enjoying tummy time. It's a very mellow Saturday in the Mather house because the weather sucks.  

Paul and Elise are 5 months old now and their weight and length is exactly the same, just over 15 lbs and 26 inches long.  They nap about 3x a day (30 minutes is the usual but hints of longer ones are popping up) and I get up 1x a night for a feeding.   Elise easily wins the nap award on ease of going down and sleeping longer these days and Paul wins on being a bit more chill when sitting on a lap or bouncy chair.  Elise is all about tummy time from playing to sleeping.  Even when I'm out with them in the stroller, Elise prefer to be on her tummy and push herself up enough to look out of the bassinet smiling. Our pediatrician caught us off guard recommending we start solids immediately only because we'd planned to wait till 6 months like with Lily. Our doctor talked about a 10,000 kid study that resulted in a recommendation to introduce gluten between 4-6 months to lessen the risk of an allergy.  Ok, good enough for us. We started at almost 5 months with rice cereal and it's going just fine.  

Lily is busy being an independent, talkative, strong willed social ham.  Her German is exploding and it's so entertaining to listen to her mix up the languages.  As an early Mom's Day gift, they learned a song to sing that she proudly sang to me today in German...ish.  I wish I could capture some of her Lilyisms these days like when she says "I is" as she's nodding her head while tilted on one side answering a simple question like "are you happy?" or when she does an audible exhale to calm down before trying again to buckle her helmet.  

Tomorrow brings a double dose of celebrating, Mother's Day and our 6 year wedding anniversary.  We asked each other what the biggest surprise of our lives was and we both immediately answered "having 3 kids."  We have had to adapt to quite a bit this last year and not made the time enough to sit back and just enjoy...out of the house...just the two of us....tomorrow we are making the time to do just that.

My guys.  Paul in a sweater vest....just like namesake often is. Hi Opa.  

Elise in her usual position these days

 Ate lunch at a neighborhood beer garden where they have free childcare and a park, very cool.  Yup, we'll probably be summer regulars there.

 Trying to read a book but mostly playing grab the book game.


  1. Great post and pics! You could add "Giving birth to a breech baby" to your list of life's surprises, though I guess "Three Kids" tops everything. :-) That beer garden looks like a great place to hang!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Such a wonderful wedding. If someone asked me the greatest surprise about the two of you I'd say the same exact thing (because you moving to Germany was not a surprise!). Love the pictures and you should seriously consider opening a beer garden here with free child care. When you are looking for your next adventure of course.
