Monday, May 21, 2012

Lily is 3

Our Big Lil' is now 3 years old.  She loves anything to do with the Wizard of Oz, playing Barbies, "chase me," riding her Scooter, playing Basketball, trying to hop on one foot, eating, climbing trees, and is still our regular little singer.  

We celebrated with a small picnic in the park.   This picture captures the moment so perfectly - Lily's "I'm really happy right now" moment.  

Here are a few more pics from last week. Yup, Lily had an especially good week.

Lily's favorite pastime - this shot...Birthday blueberry pancakes

Our friend/babysitter Julia came over with all her Barbies and a big Barbie house to play with Lily - Lily was in heaven.
 The one thing Lily asked for consistently was an umbrella.

 Lily even got a visit from her cousin Natalie.
 Opening Grandma and Grandpa's gifts

 Had to include a pic of  Paul and Elise too.  My view of them these days after feedings - so much bigger and holding hands. They are now showing more and more interest in what Lily is up to.  Lily knows how to make Paul giggle now too.  

1 comment:

  1. Lily is one happy and beautiful birthday girl. And the twins holding hands...does the view get any better than that?! Heart melting :-)
