Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I don't find it hard to be grateful for so much on a daily basis.  We do a gratitude prayer at dinner, I subscribe to a couple gratitude themed blogs, and I keep a journal.  Gosh, I'm starting to plan Paul and Elise's first Birthday party and the theme is gratitude; we've invited the people that have helped us get through year 1.  I guess I had hoped gratitude would help fuel my drive to do more things I like to do.  Whether it's picking up a book more often that I can learn something from, leaving the house more at night, calling friends and family back in the states more to connect, working out more like I used to once upon a time, or planning a date with my husband.  I'm too fried and exhausted or just not making the time to fit more into my days right now.  I know how to seize the heck out of a good moment but I'm not as good at letting the frustrating and draining moments of my days roll off my back.  They get to me and I wish I didn't depend on quiet evenings and sleep so much to help me bounce back.

Here are a couple moments from the weekend that gave me so much joy.  Paul is officially a walker and already showing soccer skills.  Elise prefers to crawl even though she is trying quite a bit to walk.  It's harder for her to get the hang of her much heavier right foot.

This one is primarily for Opa but thought others would enjoy too.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rockin' the ABC's and Steps!

Wanted to share a couple fun videos from tonight.  This past Sunday, Paul and Elise both took a couple first tentative steps on the same day, what are the chances? It's not the taking of the steps as much as the look on their faces that makes me so incredibly full of joy.  It happened on 11/11 at 11 months old.  That will be easy for me to remember.  I guess they are pretty excited about their development because some dance moves recently popped up too.

Here they are lightly rockin' out to the ABC song.  Paul seems to show more interest right now practicing his walking abilities.  I caught him doing this tonight too.  Sorry you missed it in person Nate.  Celebrate with an extra Guinness tonight.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Our house is loud, oh so loud, full of motion, and busy making a mess.  I spend my days on the floor;  chairs are for meals and guests now.  I am always covered in snot and dirt from being a human jungle gym or a shoulder to rest or cry on.  I wear the same sweatshirt every morning and night and only change if I really need to.  I shower every 3rd day and wear no make up, only lotion.  If I get most of my hair in a ponytail in the morning, I'm good to leave the house.  It sounds bad and so unattractive, I know.  Don't worry, I'm not going to extremes letting my armpit hair grow and growing dreadlocks.  I would just say I'm doing the minimum and I don't mind at all; I like it.  I don't feel ugly being this way; I've never been one to get dolled up and that's fine with me.

Here are some pics from the last couple weeks, random happenings in the Mather house.  I also posted one video of Elise's latest milestone.  Lily is busy speaking German noticeably more now - when she plays alone with her dolls, she only speaks German now.  Paul is busy giving high fives and making that silly sound where you move your finger back forth across your lips to make a funny sound - something like - bwahbwahbwah.  Elise is busy standing and clapping.  She also loves to cuddle, makes up for her before 6 am wake ups the last couple weeks!  Actually, I take that back, doesn't really make up for it.

Lily getting better at the blow dryer.
 Silly Lilly

 Push me Momma
 In and out of baskets.
 Check out Elise's position, cracks me up.  Feet first Elise.
Playing along the Isar
 Playing in drawers
 Elise is still our especially smiley one
 Just a pretty shot
 Paul loves to walk
 Poor attempt at self family portrait
 Silly Elise