Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Our house is loud, oh so loud, full of motion, and busy making a mess.  I spend my days on the floor;  chairs are for meals and guests now.  I am always covered in snot and dirt from being a human jungle gym or a shoulder to rest or cry on.  I wear the same sweatshirt every morning and night and only change if I really need to.  I shower every 3rd day and wear no make up, only lotion.  If I get most of my hair in a ponytail in the morning, I'm good to leave the house.  It sounds bad and so unattractive, I know.  Don't worry, I'm not going to extremes letting my armpit hair grow and growing dreadlocks.  I would just say I'm doing the minimum and I don't mind at all; I like it.  I don't feel ugly being this way; I've never been one to get dolled up and that's fine with me.

Here are some pics from the last couple weeks, random happenings in the Mather house.  I also posted one video of Elise's latest milestone.  Lily is busy speaking German noticeably more now - when she plays alone with her dolls, she only speaks German now.  Paul is busy giving high fives and making that silly sound where you move your finger back forth across your lips to make a funny sound - something like - bwahbwahbwah.  Elise is busy standing and clapping.  She also loves to cuddle, makes up for her before 6 am wake ups the last couple weeks!  Actually, I take that back, doesn't really make up for it.

Lily getting better at the blow dryer.
 Silly Lilly

 Push me Momma
 In and out of baskets.
 Check out Elise's position, cracks me up.  Feet first Elise.
Playing along the Isar
 Playing in drawers
 Elise is still our especially smiley one
 Just a pretty shot
 Paul loves to walk
 Poor attempt at self family portrait
 Silly Elise


  1. Ha! Your system sounds like camping - camping with kids. ;-) I totally can relate! Go Elise on standing! Can't get over how much she resembles Lily as a baby.

  2. I love your post. I can totally relate! My morning routine also consists of slathering on some lotion (got to keep the wrinkles away) and pulling my hair back into a ponytail.

    I love, love, love your photos. I can really tell that you, Nate and the kiddos are having such a wonderful time. Life looks well, hectic, but great.

    A very happy b-day to you, too!

    -- Aimee

  3. I can totally relate to the just lotion look, also my look for the past 4.5 months! I kind of like it, very easy and liberating. Goes well with my every day pony tail! I try to get a shower in at night when Gabriel is bathing Alejandra. That would be a little tough with 2 more kids!! I honestly don´t know how you manage so well. Nice work!

  4. I just love your posts! Sorry so late in my response - Elise is an awesome stander! I bet she's already walking by the time I'm writing this. And love the family self portrait - better than us - haven't had all 5 in a pic in a few months sadly...
