Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Two are Two

Whether it's the terrible twos or the terrific twos, they are here.  Paul and Elise turned two on Sunday and we all celebrated with a little party.  They got to dance, play with new toys, have fun with a few friends, and eat their favorite dinner, all topped off with gobbling down some chocolate cake after getting an assist from their big sister in blowing out their birthday candles.

Looking back on their 2nd year, I really can't say whether it was easier or harder.  It definitely was not easy, and thankfully we had a lot of help, whether family or our worth-every-penny part time nanny.  One thing I definitely can say is that over the span of the year they went through a ton of changes.  From barely walking to running and jumping around and from relative silence (crying excepted) to babbling on in somewhat coherent sentences.  We definitely have our challenging parental moments with whining clingy impatient hair-pulling children, but we all pull through as best we can.  At least we are getting more moments with Paul and Elise playing nicely with each other or being excited about something and being able to really talk about it.  Today it was a "BIG MOOSE" singing "OBANABOM".  That would be a big animatronic moose head singing "O Tannenbaum" at a Christmas market here in Munich.  They both couldn't wait to tell me about it when I walked in the door from work.  

I would say that both are in the midst of transitions at the moment.  Paul is becoming a bit less whiny and clingy, he's talking a ton and has some really sweet moments being gentle with babies or giving his sisters something they want.  He's still not a great eater but at least he said the bacon he ate the other night was yummy.  One thing he is a champ at is cleaning.  He loves pushing the broom around and using the dustpan, and his big treat is using the big canister vacuum.  Elise continues to be a sweetheart most of the time but has been having a few more tantrums lately as she gets frustrated with one of her toys or with one of her siblings.  She's the bully of the three at the moment, scratching, pushing and pulling hair to get what she wants, at least until Lily stands up for herself.  But she is also spending more time playing in her own little make-believe world, making a picnic for her stuffed tiger or putting all the Playmobil people in a row.  And she is lively and laughing more often than not.  She had her last visit with her foot doctor here, and honestly the only time we think of her foot most days is when we put on and take off her compression sock.  Thank God for that.

In one week the movers will show up to pack everything, stuff it into a container, and send it off on a ship to arrive in Portland in six or so weeks.  We will head off to Oma and Opa's to celebrate Christmas and then get on a plane with three kids and two cats (just be thankful you're not on our flights) the day after my birthday.  Oh, and after arriving in Portland around midnight I need to show up at work the next morning to sign off on paperwork.  Hopefully I don't have to take a new badge picture, it would probably look something like Nick Nolte's mug shot.  We'll have another blog shortly to cover all the craziness as we prep for the move... not for your entertainment so much as for us to look back on and remember in years to come.
Hanging out in Lil's bed while she's at school
 Sweet moment of my kids holding hands instead of pulling hair after picking Lily up from school.
 Santa Elise likes her new Nemo stuffed animal.
 Add another "momo man" to the collection so he has a handy stash.  Paul likes to sleep with a motorcycle and preferably one with someone riding it.
Might be boring to some but complete bliss to us.  One obvious difference from the first birthday to this birthday is a moment like this.

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