Saturday, February 21, 2015

Chugging Along

Life in Mather land continues to be full of whining, screaming, fighting, and sounding like a broken record when it comes to teaching my children rules and manners.  Yet the views continue to be beautiful and thank God for the good moments.  They help us deal with moments like Lily throwing a fit because we won't let her wear her swim goggles to Church......having to tell Elise to take her hand out of her pants for the 10th time that day.....Paul saying he can't walk and wants to be held when it's obviously not the case ....getting in and out of the car has to be a loud and long production.  They drive me absolutely bonkers and I love them to pieces. They are the only people I have ever looked at and thought that they are by far the most beautiful creatures to ever exist.  Even in the height of romance and budding love with Nate, it was never quite like that.  I just thought he was hot, funny, and fun and I was really lucky.  

It's going awesome with Oma and Opa living downstairs.  They are super fun to be around and super helpful.  I have no complaints to report.  I didn't realize Oma had turned the apartment into a candy store and Opa opened a You Tube viewing gallery but the kids of course eat it all up and it cracks me up.

It's been about 6 weeks now of having 12 hours a week without kids in the mornings and it's been as you would guess, wonderful.  The sense of accomplishment I already feel at 8am after dropping 3 kids off is a great kick start to a quick 3 hours of Nicole time.  I'm still navigating the time figuring out how I'd most like to spend it but I'm loving the process of it.  So many ideas and new goals bring a new dynamic of excitement and hope to my life.

The biggest surprise lately (besides Elise getting potty trained easy-peasy and Paul not even wanting to look at the potty) has been Lily's growing interest when it comes to art and drawing.  She's always liked it since she could hold a crayon but as of late, it's developed into her first real passion.  She'll spend an hour drawing after we say good night on most nights and asks me and Nate to teach her more.  She even won the T-shirt design contest at her Saturday German school that only fuels her passion because she is one very competitive little girl.  I didn't see it coming because I was too busy imagining her on the Tennis court and the Soccer field at this age but I'm now in the world of making trips to Michaels to buy special kind of paper she would like instead of dropping her off at the Soccer field.  I have no idea if she's good but man does she love it.

Even though this was a sorry note Lily wrote after being a turd, i got a kick out of reading anything she tries to write in her sound it out style.  Dear Mommy, I'm sorry that I was bad.  Sincerely Lily.  I will be better next time.

Planting flowers in February
Playing Tennis at the Rose Garden.
Fireman Paul needs his lip gloss
Got a little something on your face buddy.

These next 2 videos are long but haven't been skyping as much lately and I know at least Lolo will love every second of it on repeat a few times.

Paul and Elise telling me about my upcoming bday party

A little show by Paul and Elise for Oma and Opa with its usual squabble involved

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