Sunday, March 29, 2015

Gigi, Macrodactyly, and Paul

Gigi, Elise's Macrodactyly, and Paul's Potty Training were the main things in my head that aren't usually so front and center day to day this last month.

O Gigi - my 4 pound elderly incontinent Gigi.  We have been sleeping under a waterproof picnic blanket and on top of towels while keeping Gigi quarantined to our room (connected to our laundry room with litter box and with Pepe here too - couldn't just quarantine her to laundry room easily) for several weeks now because she had started to do all her stinky business around the house.  So.Not.Cool. What's even more not cool is waking up to a wet spot like a halo above my head on my pillow and my hand resting on another wet spot on the sheet next to me on more than one occasion.  My breaking point arrived today and we have now moved her to the office which is now a closed bare room with a 2nd litter box.  We are both so over animals.  If that time ever comes again that we get a pet, please call me on it and make sure you get a very good explanation from me on why I'm doing it and if you are not satisfied, please talk me out of it with a good slap.

Elise's rare foot condition, Macrodactyly, has been a non-issue for us for the last 1.5 years thanks to her successful first surgery.  We do know she'll most likely need more surgeries so we have lined up appointments in Portland and Seattle within the next few months to find the right medical team.  The Seattle connection just warms my heart.  Because of the few entries we wrote on Elise's Macrodactyly on this blog, we have become connected to 6 other families around the world dealing with the same incredibly rare condition.  Thanks to one Australian family, a private Facebook page kicked off recently and there are almost 20 members.  It feels incredible to have this small community who get it and want to help.  It's because of the FB group that I now have an appointment with a highly recommended doctor in Seattle.

Our one really productive goal for Spring Break was to get Paul out of diapers.  We did it.  Wasn't pretty, wasn't easy, and not quite completely in the clear like we are with Elise but we did it.  The bliss I felt seeing a big fat turd in a small potty and a proud Paul is pretty ridiculous but it's the truth.  Lily then capped off the day by picking my favorite children's book to read for night time - Someday by Allison Mcghee - which I get teary eyed over every time I read it and she read it to me for the first time.  A turd and my daughter reading me a book and you can stick a fork in me - I'm done. 

Other fun moments from spring break were spending a few days in an ocean front house with friends in Seaside, spending a day up at friends' mountain farm, and Nate and Opa getting a sunny
round of golf in.

Here are some pics from the last month

Good friend Christy and Opa cradling their babies on a warm afternoon on our front porch.

Paul and Elise are continuing to ramp up how much they talk to each other and play with each other.  What's new is them trying to help each other out when Mom has reached her limit with some outlandish request for the umpteenth time.  Like they almost have a quiet "I've got your back" connection going these days.

Greeting Lolo at the airport for her quick visit.  LOVED having her here.

Flying kites with a picturesque backdrop at Seaside

Thanks to such a mild winter - we were able to have many picnics on the front porch.

Gardening season has begun

Big helpers getting our garden planted - going all out with the vegetable variety - hopefully they won't be picked before they are ripe like last year. Oma has made our front yard look so beautiful too - should've taken a picture.  Next time.

Paul all smiles with his poopin in the potty reward - matchbox race track

Love this smile from Lily - like she belongs on stage with that big smile.

Hanging out at Britta and Jim's mountain farm for the day and got this awesome shot.  The little hand is not my tiny undersized hand but Nico making sure he doesn't go unnoticed in the shot.

Opa taking Lily out for some Tennis.  Lily was sporting the mean face and a grunt this time.  Like Mommy like Daughter.

Even ballerinas in tutus know how to wrestle.  This is happening more and more these days between these two.  Luckily usually in giggles but gotta say - Elise usually wins.  Girl power.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi nicole , my name is Paula and I live in Brazil, I found your blog researching absolut macrodactyly on the internet. My daughter has 3 months and she has this rare condition. I would love to connect with you.

  3. Hi Paula. Hope you see this comment. Please email me at when you can. Look forward to hearing from you.
