Thursday, April 30, 2015


Ear infections can bite me.  April ended up being a bit annoying with all of us fighting something especially ear infections at some point.  Poor Paul.  He got his first ear infection in the US after way too many of them his first 2 years in Munich.  He makes us very aware just how painful it is.  Elise just tells us her ear hurts, requests the sweet tasting medicine sometimes, and goes back to playing. 

Oma and Opa left us right after Easter and we miss them dearly as do all Oma's plants missing water....I kid I kid Mom.  They are all still alive. Glad we got to enjoy all of Oma's special treats and Easter decorations and Opa teaching the kids how to prepare the old tradition of eating Biegansky deviled eggs before they left.

Another family member that left us was my first friend in Portland, my cat Gigi.  I met her March 4, 2001 and I'm really glad she is in some of my most vivid memories from these past 15 years.  Enjoy all the grass, trees to climb, deli ham, and cereal milk to your heart's content now. 

Lily is still busy drawing and she is really into drawing fast and making books. We spend so many afternoons at Wallace Park after school and I watch her climb trees, make picnics with friends, make bird nests, play fairies, roll down hills, chase friends around,  and ride her bike around the school.  She doesn't ask me to play anymore - she's too busy with her friends.  I've been surprised by the drama that has already begun amongst the Kindergarten girls - feeling left out and saying hurtful things. I didn't expect to have my 5 year old come home crying over crap like this already.

Elise is my defiant one.  I have lost sight of her at the park way more than I'd like with how she just wanders off without a care in the world no matter how often I've told her to tell me first before she goes somewhere else.  She also easily has more timeouts than the other kids for not doing what I ask her to do and blatantly continuing the act while looking at me (I envision her middle finger extended too if she knew what it was).  She is crazy independent, strong in every way,  wonderfully proud of her special foot (which is so awesome), and pretty darn quirky.  She'll zone out and be in her own world playing with her food or whatever while a group of kids plays a game near her or the rest of the family chats away.  She does give me the most kisses, mwah.

Paul is my needy one.  I have made it no secret that he was a very difficult baby and continues to challenge me at times that drain me so completely that I need a bit of time to bounce back.  BUT he has also turned into this hilarious, super communicator, very perceptive, even empathetic, rule following big boy.  One moment he'll throw a fit that I didn't walk down 2 flights of stairs to hold his hand to walk up the stairs with him and the next moment, he's singing doe a deer at the top of his lungs and telling Elise how important it is to share and take turns because it's the right thing to do.  He is not a big fan of kissing on the lips these days and the only way I get my kisses is cutting a deal with him that he'll kiss me whenever he picks his nose and tries to eat it.  I'm getting my share.

Anyway, all is good.  May - bring it.  

Easter joy.

 Opa teaching us the fine art of eating deviled eggs - Opa style.  "Turn the yolk clockwise slowly"

 Lily all geared up for Run for the Arts.  Love that she sported a headband.
Some of Lily's art.  Easily a better bike than what I can draw.
 Having fun singing.
 Lily got introduced to our neighborhood Bishops for her hair cut.  Took a while before she agreed to it but a late night (830 on a school night - gasp) adventure did the trick.
 Lily's new hair
Of all the things Lily could've written about first day back after Spring Break, this is what she wrote about.  Too funny.
 Paul and Elise love Sushi Train

 Lily really enjoying Vietnamese food
The last picture I snapped of Gigi a few months ago.

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