Sunday, March 27, 2016

March 2016

I really enjoy this phase with Lily, Paul, and Elise and I know how fondly I'll look back on this time with my 6 and 4 year olds one day.  Overall,  It's been an up and down ride since the last blog post. 

 The ups being a lot of laughs with my family either from silly behavior or jokes my kids keep trying to tell.  Dinner time has definitely evolved a bit more into half manners reminders and half good family conversation.  Elise can now ride a 2 wheeler so we are now a complete Mather family bike gang in the hood.  Elise also checked out clean at her 6 month abdominal ultrasound appointment.  Lily got the Tennis spark for the first time during Spring Break.  She is showing a great attitude and lots of energy on the it.  We also celebrated Nate's work success on Intel's dime with the whole family at our favorite restaurant, Screen Door.
 The downs have been my struggle with teaching my kids to be kind, keeping a positive attitude, and being well mannered while still liking myself in the process.  I'm in a phase of binging on parenting books which I've enjoyed more than I expected.  Collapse of Parenting, Soul of Discipline, Simplicity Parenting, and You're Not the Boss of Me, are currently on my nightstand.  I've also been heartbreakingly disappointed with a few friends.  I just don't understand why I'm not hearing from some friends like I used to.  What I want to remember about this that I might pass on to my kids as a lesson learned is that sometimes, it really isn't about confronting them and hashing it out.  Sometimes, other's actions do speak louder than words and if you feel like you've put yourself out there with no response, accept the new dynamic and appreciate the friends that do want to stay, the friends that truly love, support, and motivate you.  

   On a happier note, Easter, today, was full of tradition and such delicious food.  Watching the kids copy Opa do his traditional Soll Eier prep and seeing the kids admire Oma's beautiful and tasteful Easter table setting and decor makes my heart skip a beat.  It's been a year and a half since my parents moved to Portland in our first floor apartment and it's still going awesome.  The real victory is that my husband thinks the same thing.  My parents are definitely there for us and we can definitely say we're there for them.  Always.  Love you Oma and Opa.

Wildwood Hike in Forest Park

 Very Proud Elise riding her 2 wheeler.
On a Mommy/Lily rollerskating date because Lily earned 10 stickers for being a good host or guest.
 Eating at our friend's Dot and Troy's new beautiful apartment.
 Spoiled with Dot's delicious Boeuf Bourguignon.  Honored to be their first house guests.

Enjoying a family dinner out at Screen Door celebrating Nate's work success

 Easter Family Pic
 My kids really do look so alike

 If you look closely, you'll see Paul crying next to Opa.  I can't remember what the reason was but this pic just cracks me up.  
 Easter Egg Hunt
 Oma helping Elise prepare her Soll Eier which is olive, oil, ground mustard, vinegar, and salt.

1 comment:

  1. congrats nate! what a nice treat to take the whole fam. out. so impressed, but really, not surprised, how coordinated your kids are! and yes, all your kids are ridiculously cute...heck, you all are a gorgeous family.
