Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Good Health Took A Little Vacation

Since about the last blog,  my Mom was diagnosed with colon cancer and operated on to successfully remove the damn thing while my Dad had pneumonia and skin cancer.  Besides my Dad having what's hopefully only a bad cold now, we're over this hiccup and sooooo ready to move on.  My parents had to delay their return to Chicago because of all this so it's nice to see that they are ready and able to make it back this weekend in time to celebrate Mother's Day with their other, less favorite, children.  So much stress, worry, and emotion over all this and just like that, I sum it up in a paragraph with a bow around it.  So over it.  My parents are very aware of just how blessed and lucky they are not only with their returned good health but also all the love and support they got from friends and family.  But yeah, we are all ready to move on.  

No matter what got thrown at us, April was still full of lots of sweet moments.  

Visiting Oma at the hospital after surgery.  We were taking her to the hospital garden.  Give her grandkids and flowers and she'll be just fine.

 Just love this picture.  The look of the picture reminds me of a moment in the Munich hospital with my Mom and Nate holding Paul and Elise as newborns while Lily sat on Daddy's lap. Family comfort.

 Oma is home.  Elise is in her usual spot.  She's like a cat with Oma.  Just wants to cuddle on her lap.
 Love this shot of Elise in Oma's hat and jewelry
 Lily after a school fundraising run.  Same lucky headband as last year.
 Enjoying the the seesaw playground at Washington Park.

 Paul and Elise having a silly moment waiting for bagels.
 Elise: "Mom, we can see birds with our binoculars"  Paul: "Yeah, Mom, it's so cool"


  1. Oh Nicole! I'm so sorry. I recognize the hallway in the hospital after surgery picture as I was recently there with my dad having a successful surgery for bladder cancer. The reminder of mortality was emotionally overwhelming. I'm so glad she is ok and hope your dad is 100% any day now.

  2. Yikes on the health issues, but glad to hear things are getting better for your mom and dad now!
